
Is any good way to protest about the proposal to stop publishing the printed UK National Railway timetable?

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The online computer facilities do not provide an adequate timetable service for British train services. For instance, they do not provide the same information about intermediate stations as the printed book it has been possible to buy for years.

The computer software is designed by train people who assume they know best; sometimes people have their own needs which they can find out if given the full printed information to look at.

For instance, I live in Canterbury, which has two stations, Canterbury East and Canterbury West, served by different routes from London stations: most routes to East go from Victoria and most routes to West from Charing Cross. but the National Rail computer software quotes journeys to Canterbury East even when I specify Canterbury West. It takes account of walking time although sometimes I have reason not to walk further than Canterbury West, near where I live, or spend money on a taxi. A friend's compaint hasn't worked.




  1. Why don't you organise a petition-signing? Call the local papers/radio stations and ask for their support in getting the word out. Set up a web site like and publicise the c**p out of it. If you can generate enough interest, you might be able to pressure British Rail.

  2. I work for national rail. dont complain to us as we dont run any trains ourselves. you will need to speak to the train company that runs the service you are wanting to use as its them who maintain there own timetables. National rail is just a name to recognise all 28 train companies as one. we just pass on info for these companys (messengers really lol) Hope this helps xx

  3. Have you got an anorak, a tartan flask and a little pad full of really interesting numbers?

    Anyway protest to the highest level and start your letter,

    Dear Fat Controller,

    Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends are not happy with the scrapping of the timetable book...............................

  4. Forget it

    Timetables are a complete fantasy anyway and if you try and plan your journey with them you will end up bitter and twisted like my good self!!!

  5. Why not set up a Yahoo Group on the Subject. I am with you all the way on this one

  6. It depends on how well it sells, if no-one is buying it because most use National Rail Enquiries then you can't blame them for withdrawing the timetable

    Alternativly will give information about intermediate stops and some of the regions give both stops and train numbers

  7. you can organide an online petition at

  8. I can't possibly help, but it seems to me that, when trying to operate a passenger rail road, it makes exactly zero sense to neglect the information that one would need to try and determine whether rail travel was right for the trip at hand.

  9. yes.

    Write to your MP, local councilors point out there is an election coming. write to the national rail authority repeatedly write to news papers .

  10. Write to Stephen Ladyman, Minister for Transport! at

  11. There should be timetables at the relevant stations and they should give you leaflets regarding the lines that are served by the trains visiting that station. As for the national timetable it was always very expensive, therefore I suspect this is a lost course.

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