
Is any kind of home based job in KL area that worth doing?

by Guest56568  |  earlier

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Is any kind of home based job in KL area that worth doing?




  1. Hi y name is Amber and im a full time nursing student from oregon. I was looking for at home work after i quit my job to focas on school and my family. I found it just wasent enought to pay the bills and have fun. So i decided to look on line for some at home work. I got scammed all over the place. I lost like 350$ But i know some people who have lost alot more. So we all decided to get the word out about the one site that we did find to everyone so those jerks cant scame anyone anymore!! I was taking those fake surveys on line, the free ones, but never got any money. I loved doing them, it was eazy but not the money they claimed. Then i found this site. You have to pay a small fee, i cant remember the exact number but its cheap. And as i have come to find nothing comes for free in the world of at home work. But at least this one woks, you get emails everyday for survey invitations that pay 3-5$ for small ones and it goes up the longer they are. I have like 20-40 emails a day. So it adds up fast. AND THEY REALLY PAY YOU!! so go check it out, its so worth it. Any questions just let me know.

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