
Is any man who objects to feminism a misogynist?

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Is any man who objects to feminism a misogynist?




  1. According to the dictionary, feminism is the belief in the equality between the sexes.

    Thus, if a man objects to the notion that women have the same rights as men (theoretically), and thus should have equal rights and opportunities to men (actually), then, yes, they are misogynist.

    There are a lot of men who object to what they've been told by the clueless (and people incapable of using dictionaries) feminism is -- they aren't necessarily misogynist, and many are actually feminist, by definition, though they don't realize it.

    Some object to feminism because they object to the humanity of women, prefrring them to be treated as property, or as lesser beings. Those are all misogynists.

  2. from some of them that is the general thinking, by some account, yes

  3. What does feminism have to do with men?

    Men have striven for basic human rights, and is the first question they ask 'how will this affect women?'

    When feminism endeavours to afford women the same basic rights, why is the question ALWAYS asked 'how will this impact on men?'

    So, to object to affording someone equality is bigoted and potentially does leave one open to being accused of misogyny, but this societal reality is so endemic we are all guilty of it!

  4. No, but sadly (;p) thats the immediate knee-jerk response that any critique of femminism gets from a femminist on this forum. Like we care ! :-D

  5. That's what a lot of the feminists here make it seem like--if a man objects the feminist ideology he's automatically labeled a misogynist. The ironic thing about that is that there are plenty of women on this forum who also question feminism or outright reject it.

  6. This reminds of a question I asked the other day. Do men who claim to like women but not feminists, just like women as long as they're not too uppity?

  7. No., but that's what they call you.

    Feminists can't take criticism of any kind so they usually lash out like a 5 year old when mommy doesn't buy every toy in the store.

  8. no of course's all in how it's done.

    Start going into women are weak and need to be taken care of, women should stay in the kitchen....etc etc etc....then YES

  9. A man or woman who objects to men and women striving for equality certainly sounds like someone who doesn't care about the human rights of people in general. In that case-you could assume that they don't like women-but it would depend on what they said about women on whether they really hated women or not. Some traditional women are anti-feminists and do everything they can to hold back women-think about Ann Coulter who said women in the US shouldn't have the right to vote-she certainly sounds like she despises and hates women. Not just men can hate equality of opportunity.

    -On the other hand some people dislike some of the methods feminists have used-but don't just say they hate the methods-they say they hate feminism and throw out the good with what they disagree with.

    -Others blame feminism for issues that are sexist but that feminists don't have any control over either-like judge and jury decisions in custody and divorce cases.

    -Some refuse to admit that males as a class have had superior privileges and still do in spite of laws on the books-and therefore hate any effort to address these privileges and level the playing field-these efforts are considered sexist by these people-this includes affirmative action.

  10. No, they're just thinking logically.

  11. Not necessarily, traditional feminist theorists propose many different forms of misogyny. In its most overt expression, a misogynist will openly hate all women simply because they are female. Other forms of misogyny may be less overt. Some misogynists may simply be prejudiced against all women, or may hate women who do not fall into one or more acceptable categories. Entire cultures may be said to be misogynist if they treat women in ways that can be seen as harmful. Examples include forcing women to tend to all domestic responsibilities, not allowing women to take jobs outside the home, or beating women.

  12. NO a misogynist hates all women.

    feminism is just a state of mind (or point of view ) some women are feminists some aren't

  13. Feminisim was founded to give Females a fair say and vote.. but like PC it has gone to far, and now some of it is silly

  14. If you don't call yourself a feminists and you are male they call you a misogynist and they hate you even more.

  15. Who wants to be shown to be wrong?

  16. Any man who objects to Feminism as a whole is ignorant and doesn't understand what feminism does and has done for both MEN and women. I think objecting to select issues and policies, however, is just fine.

  17. No he isnt misogynist for opposing a movement.

    Betty interesting you say that. Just a differing example to illustrate your point from another angle, people serverly disliked a few of the methods used by n***s, but rather than deploring those few methods they prefered to blame the entire movement and then smite it down.

    Whilst Im not sure that feminism quite compares to nazism's accomplishments in time (do try to note that before flying off the handle). I simply chose something else that mirrored the arguement you made. They really did have some amazing accomplishments, they brought back a country from utter poverty in record time, they practically eliminated unemployment and were responsible for either some of the most amazing medical and scientific break throughs or the ground work that made them possible.

    Truely astounding. However they also did some of the most vile things known in our history as people. Men and women alike.

    Tell me do just disagree with the methods or shall we disagree with the organisation behind them since it is them that insist on using them?

    A method is like a weapon. It is never your problem. The will that intends to wield it is. Little wonder the source of the will to use those methods is not viewed so well.

    Here I only wrote on one of your views. I could for the others also. Im sure we could both argue till kingdom come - Just wondering have noticed that most of those that oppose feminism dont oppose it for its original victories.

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