
Is any medicine for improving sperm count in ayurvedic?

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i has low sperm count I need to know any cure for oligospermia/




  1. I watched a documentery that said that parana fish increases sperm count. Have no idea where you can get that. So i have some alternatives:

    - 20mg Zinc per day

    - Eat lots of Sea food

    - Drink 2Litres of water per day

    - Abstain from s*x, for 2 weeks. Arousal helps make more sperm, so give your partner an erotic massage.

    - Get plenty of exercise, do some weight training, this increases testosterone levels, do not over do it, as that testosterone is needed to get your cells to produce sperm, otherwise the testosterone is used in the muscles. 2-3 hours per week, evenly spread of weight training.

    'Have cool showers and wear boxer shorts

    Men should avoid long hot baths and stick to cool showers to increase their sperm count. According to a study by the Brazilian Society of Urology, men who swapped hot baths for tepid showers over three months were found to increase sperm production almost fivefold. Sperm needs cool surroundings to develop best, which is why men are advised not to wear tight underwear as it causes too much heat to build up around the testes. Switch to loose-fitting boxer shorts instead.'

    Stregthen your PC muscles, do p***s exercises.

    1000mg of Magnesium ascorabte, or Vitamin C per day

    - Stop smoking, drinking, and eat lots of dark green-leafy vegetables/fruit

    Hope this helps.

  2. Single ayurvedic herbs:

    Ashwagandha (Winter cherry...Latin name: Withania

    somnifera – Radix (Solanaceae) [for healthier sperm count and motility]:


    Combination ayurvedic products:

    Swarna Vasant Malti

    Oligo (for healthier sperm including motility):

    Speman (for increased sperm count and quality of s***n):

    Chinese herbs:

    Astragalus membranaceus


    Make sure you have a healthy diet with lots of known antioxidant fertility vitamins such as vitamins C and E and known antioxidant fertility minerals such as zinc and selenium.

    Both vitamins C (eat plenty enough fruit) and E may increase sperm count and increase sperm motility. A vitamin E supplement is the best way to ensure enough of this vitamin: 400iu is optimal. Selenium will also help improve the sperm motility and make them better swimmers and selenium boosts the effect of vitamin E: rich sources are nuts, grains, red meats and shellfish. Zinc is needed for healthy sperm production: rich sources are seeds and nuts. :::added:::Make sure you and your wife both get enough of these nutrients and other nutrients to promote a healthy pregnancy and you both need to take a folic acid supplement also to promote a healthy conception....this is vital.

    Hope this helps.

    Best wishes.

  3. It is not an concrete science and cannot assure the results.  Even the allopathy medicines cannot promise but to a certain extent give you the details and assure the results.

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