
Is any one else bored of hearing Americans go on and on about the election?

by Guest61997  |  earlier

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I am SO bored of this american presidential election. About half the questions on here are about it and it is boring me to death. They act like its the most important thing in the world ever. Anyone else fed up of it and wish it were all over????




  1. yup....for america there is no rest of the world  

  2. Trust me, even we Americans will be glad when the election is over!

    BTW, not all Americans are so obsessive about every little political debate happening.  And not all Americans think this is the only/most important country in existence.  There just happens to be many extremely passionate, vocal Americans who can't let it go and be civil.

  3. no

  4. We feel the same way about the Royal Family.

  5. Trust me, most of us are sick of hearing about it too. We just want it to be over already!

  6. I am an American and proud of it but I am tired of all the stupid questions being asked and all the bickering about it on this site.  

  7. O.k. I'm a 13 yr. answering this question. When your country has been run into the ground that may not be easily reversible, and your country's official has pushed away all the country's foreign allies, and you have to worry every SINGLE day if your going to be able to pay your bills, feed your kids, have a car, or house you would feel the same as all the other Americans do. So don't give us Americans c**p. Because you have no idea.

  8. I will definitely be glad when it is all over.

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