
Is any one else pissed that starbucks is closing ???

by  |  earlier

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they are closing the only 3 starbucks store in SA and a whole bunch around the country, am i the only one that is pissed off?




  1. Not pissed at all. It's time to let local stuff or at least more personal coffee places like Peet's to step in.

  2. here there is like a Starbucks on every corner

  3. You only have 3 starbucks where you live?? Here in Cali we have 3 on every street!

  4. i liked starbucks :(

  5. i understand how they are closing strabucks stores around the country, but they are not all closing, so they're still going to be around. if anything, there's always other coffee shop that are cheaper than starbucks. because starbucks are definitely overpriced at some level :)

  6. i know it sucks...most of the one's in Melbourne are closing to!!

    nothing else compares to there coffee either !!!!

  7. very pissed!!

    they make really good hot chocolates yummm P

  8. Yes you are the only one thats pissed. I mean Starbucks charges way too much for not that great coffee. I make coffee at home and its way cheaper that way. Starbucks is for posers. Besides, you don't need a starbucks on every corner. Its stupid.

  9. yep ha ha ha ha ha ha they are closing starbucks who cares go to doughnut king it much better this message was brought to by doughnut king the best tasting doughnut in the world

  10. Why? It's only coffee.

    In a world of depression and bad economics, people will start cutting off the luxuries we don't really need.

  11. every where around Europe t went i found them to be to expensive so never used them they are closing who cares i just feel for their workers i wounder if the CEO will take cut in wages to help out I doubt it

  12. wait!!! WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    ITS CLOSING?????

  13. Very happy they are closing.

    The coffee is sh-it!

  14. nope, my starbucks is staying right where it is :D

  15. believe it or not other place sell good coffee

    find somewhere else to go

    support a small business

  16. Aww I didn't know that...I hope the one near me isn't. But if it did I would be upset.

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