
Is any one else worried about the martial law imposed curfew in new orleans? ?

by Guest62361  |  earlier

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what's to keep the young national gaurd from doing a little looting them selves? they're not making much except help for college.




  1. national guard, um i guess you "ASSUME" that they would steal also.

    well if i am serving my country getting a lot of benefits. why would a tv be worth stealing when i can just pay for it from px, for next to nothing unlike the civies do? why jeapardize my creditbility, my career, my life for bs. just cause dem dar folks down there stole guns and such dont mean that a soldier would. besides you can pack a tv too far, especially when you commander knows it aint yours why take the risk anyway.

    as far as curfew, i love the idea keeps the streets clear for once instead of gangs and guns running around.

    KATRINA was an education, if they dont like the curfew get outta the city, its that simple.

    i liked texas sign after katrina


  2. Foolish fear and degrading to those that risk their lives to save your life and your property.  

  3. Primarily the fact that the sort of person who signs up to serve in the Guard and put his or her life on the line for those who won't do it for themselves isn't going to be tempted to loot anyway.

    And even if a specific individual was tempted, his whole unit and chain of command are there to make sure he doesn't.


  4. did you forget..... what happened.... in katrina??? ):

  5. material things are replaceable, people are not

  6. Your question imparts the thought that you would steal and loot if you had the chance.

  7. I thing that would give a National Guardsman pause about looting is the fact that a civilian that is convicted of looting may spend a few years in a minimum security prison whereas the Guardsmen would fall under the Military Court System. When convicted and after the court martial, they would send that solider to several years at the Maximum Security Federal Prison in Fort Leavenworth.

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