
Is any one familiar with these symptoms??

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Hi I'm have been dealing with these problems for awhile seen 5 Dr's in last month... i have lost 15 pounds I'm tired all the time feel nausea sometimes vomiting..i have stomach pain lower and and upper in between my rib cage ... blood in my stools big amounts and blood clots first dr did a rectal exam and found a large mass did the test smear thing and it came back positive for blood in stools got refered to other dr he did a colonoscopy couldn't finish cause he couldn't get past my hepatic flexer I'm having another one with a diff dr next i also have a lump on the back of my throat and on my neck went to ENT he said he thinks its benign but gave me some steroids to gargle and said if it didnt change come back and we will do a biopsy well its not better so i gotta go do that i like that dr hes good i think...also i had good eyes now i am having a hard time seeing one eye color is lighter then the other and one puple bigger then the other sometimes headaches i went to the eye dr i have a astigmatisim and im farsighted but he said i need a cat scan because i might have swelling in my brain pinching a nerve he said to tell my dr about it!!!ok next i went to see another dr for my stomach and he had ex rays done and more blood work he said it might be paincritis or some other stuff said i was dehidrated and gave me an iv in his office he was really wored about all of this told me to come back in 3 days so i did he didnt even remeber who i was he had my chart mixed up with someone else trying to say i was pregnet i kept telling him no so he ran a test and said ok your right then he looked at my blood work wbc10.5 was high and so was rbc5.06 my rdw10.06 was low and my lymphocyte# was high 4.5 and my alt was 24 low my ex ray said i was impacted up high and i told him i needed a cat scan the dr said ok well see you later seriously my jaw just dropes and so did my mom like what are you seriouse all this and bye all i wanted to do was cry as soon as i got to the car thats all i did im tired i cant take this anymore im scared there not going to figure this out till the day i die i dont know who to see or what to do any more a part of me said give up just live life and try to make it to the end but i have 3 beautiful girls and im only 23 this is why i dont like to go to drs to me i think most of these dr are not there to save lives because thats what they want to do they just want the mega money am i right or wrong think about cost 300 just to talk to them thats rediculouse it should be like 20 your just talking for 15min i understand big money for opperations cause thts hard and scary but come on what would god say selfish!!!so my question is all my symtoms together is tired ,nausea ,vomiting lose of appitite loosing waight, back pain stomach pain, lump in throat and on left neck getting bigger,cough and eye problems,sometimes my leg gose numb for a long time one time my whole right side of my body went numb even my face for 30 min im probly leaving out a few buti have so many thing going on at one time no pain meds help the pain i cry all the time expecialy at bed time cause i cant sleep cause the pain or i wake up with my leg numb tylonal pm dont even help me sleep, and i twitch alot and some times jerks so much i drop whatevers in my hand .... i have so many people praying for me and i feel like thats all i got right now so what kind of dr should i see im driving 5 hours next week for a five star colonoscopy dr but that cant help all my problems!!! has anyone had these symptoms and if so what was wrong with you?




  1. Not to "scare you" but I have had similar problems except I am trying to "rule OUT" Multiple myeloma...going to day for MRI of my spine... I had to "fire" my family practitioner because she refuses to give me copies of ALL my records and will not even let me look at them. I have been going downhill for about a year now and have had no choice but to do my own research. I had gastritus which caused my bleeding, I already knew I was having "small seizures: as you describe and when I feel them "coming on" I take a Klonopin (maybe twice a day) Along with degenerative disk disease (progressive) and now I find that my calcium, protein, potassium, chloride and sodium are too high and co2 is too low, constipation, abdominal pains (already had CT of abdomen), etc.. I have found a wealth of information between also Another is my (which MAY cost you). has been extremely helpful for a very small fee ($4+...) Don't worry about the "cancer" word though! Just get a doctor to "rule it out"... demand the testing! You pay the doctor and THEY need to remember that instead of treating you like another number... I hope all is well with you and my prayers are with you! Take care!

  2. woah flip me, im really sorry to hear about all that =S

    well my dad has bowl cancer atm and he had some of those symptoms,



    loss of apetite, and

    lossing weight

    so you could get checked otu for that, as for the rest i  really dont know, only a really good doctor can ancer those questions.

    but just remeber if it is bowl cancer, if caught early is easily treated, so all is not lost. you may have to have an operation like my dad did to remove any tumours but if it will save your life, why not?

    maybe you could look up your symptoms on a cancer website? thats might help.

    good luck.

  3. Ok, first of all take a deep breath.   I know you are under tremendous stress, but the stress will just make any symptoms you have worse.

    I was diagnosed with cancer one week after my first son was born - I went through 2 surgeries and one radiation and now I'm going for another one and more radiation.

    This is the first thing I do.  I say the "serenity prayer" to myself out loud.  "God grant me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accpet the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference."

    Can you change that you are sick and young and have children?  No.  Can you change that the doctors aren't sure what's wrong.  No.  Can you fix any of it yourself?  No.  Does worrying about it and not sleeping and feeling crappy all the time help any?  No.  So just accept that you don't know right now, that you aren't sure what's wrong and that you may not know for a while.  Accept that you feel bad all the time right now and get on with your life.  I read "tuesday's with Morie" recently - he died of a terribly painful disease - he said something that has really helped me.  He said he gives himself 10 minutes every morning to worry and cry and feel sorry for himself, then when that 10 minutes is up, he gets up and goes about his day.  That is the 10 minutes a day he focuses on the bad.  I tried it and it helps - cry or scream or fall on the floor for 10 minutes, then get up and take care of what you have to take care of.

    What in this situation CAN you change?  You can change the doctor that doesn't even know your name.  You can see a different doctor and try to find one that is recommended by a friend or relative that they like.  That way you know they have a good bedside manner.  Can you change the attitude you have towards a doctor?  Yes - you can.  Not all doctors go into medicine to make money - in my journey I have found several terriffic doctors - and a few bad ones.  I got rid of the bad ones and am thankful for the good ones - these are the ones who truly want to help you and who think about you when they go home.  Can you change the way you interact with a doctor that doesn't do anything - yes.  Tell him you came to him to help you get better and he didn't even have the right chart.  You want a new appointment at no charge and you want him to be prepared next time.  YOU are paying him - not the other way around.  

    I would suggest you go see a neruologist and tell him ALL of the symptoms you have - write them down first.  My mom had symptoms like what you write here and she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  But it took 5 years to figure it out because each doctor was only looking at one symptom - not the whole picture.  Finally a neruologist looked at the big picture and figured it out.  It may not be that, but you need someone to look at ALL the symptoms together.

    Good luck.

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