
Is any one having video footage showing Harbhajan slapping Sreesanth?

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Is any one having video footage showing Harbhajan slapping Sreesanth?




  1. even i want the video

  2. Video is now BCCI's property, and will use it for future training.

  3. Even I want to see what happened between the two...but i don't think the video footage will be shown to any one.

    It has been a shame for Indian Cricket...if it gets leaked or if it is shown on TV ..then it is just going to add insult to injury.

    India's image will be tarnished.

    Saw in the news that Harbhajan wanted to give one more slap to Sreesanth and Sree also raised his hand. Lalchand was laughing and clapping on seeing the fight. Mohali team members took Sree away while security gaurds stopped Bhajji.

    Isnt this a shame for Indian Cricket???

  4. The  video  was  not broadcast live  by any channel

    Only  the  IPL  authorities  have the  video footage  and  they

    are not going to release  it to the  media or public.

      You can  get to see it if you know someone in the BCCI.

    Or  if  it gets leaked  by someone.

  5. no one has the vedio footage

  6. I have it, i have posted it on you tube, her`s the link

    check it out dude

  7. NO

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