
Is any organisation making a profit from collecting and reprocessing "pollutants" for re-use by industry?

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I read this question. It is rather interesting.;_ylt=ApIpA5kCcgp6YgZ9RAHccV0J5wt.;_ylv=3?qid=20080503050450AAR0XmW

It seems Micheal was asking wether the reprocessed material itself ,being a product, is sold for a profit. Most interesting is the Idea, he brought up, Those pollutants (that exist in the environment as toxic or atleast mildly unpleasant) might be filtered out of the environment and reprocessed and then sold for a profit.

Sysengineer67 mentions the recycling industry. But them he only mentions the "clean up" of hazardous waste. Only The action of cleaning seems to be profitable. How about the reprocessing of the hazardous waste for sale ( for a profit of course) and reuse. Is that done?

Bbiways could you provide some financial reports? Are those organizations just recycling businesses as sysengineer67 mentioned?

Mt_zion crusader, do they reprocess the solvents and material ? or just remove them from the water.




  1. Many.  The best example is the photo industry, in which virtually all of the silver used to make the film and paper is recovered by the processing labs.  An entire industry exists to refine this recovered silver.  Silver recovery is also done by x-ray clinics and dental offices.

  2. Another example is the videotape industry that collects old tapes and remasters them to be used in security tapes and other ways.  Any way that takes the old and figures out how to reuse it meets the criteria.

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