
Is anybody a "Air Traffic controller"?? Or anyone have any advice for someone who wants to become one?Help!?

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my boyf has just applied for this job - air traffic controller.

He has these tests he has to do to get onto the next level. Does anyone have any advice or tips, ive heard the tests are quite hard and what is there to expect?

Even if anyones taken the tests would be great if you shared your views on how hard were the tests, and what skills would you need?





  1. I tried to get into NATS and failed there aren't very many places available to get into. The test are hard lots of logical and spacial reasoning test.

  2. I don't know about becoming one but i have don't work experience in a RAF air traffic control, the main thing i'll say is you have to be able to multitask and be able to think about several things at once, if your on a lower floor with the radar and approach systems you will have a headset on where a different thing is played through each ear piece, i.e. pilot of an air craft your talking to/tracking in one ear, and i cant remember what goes through the other, or another example is if your in the glass room (the bit on top) you have to be able to keep track of all the aircraft in circuit (waiting to land) while doing many other things and talking to others around you.

    Basically you have to have good communication skills, be able to multitask and be good at air rec, so make sure he knows his aircraft is the main way to prepare i guess, the rest is skills he should already have if he hopes to get the job.

  3. To hold onto sanity too tight is insane.

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