
Is anybody adopting from china? And if so how long have you been waiting? or if you know of somebody waiting?

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Is anybody adopting from china? And if so how long have you been waiting? or if you know of somebody waiting?




  1. I have adopted twice from China. I agree that to spend $40k on adopting from China you would've had to have brought the entire family along to China with you, adopted twins or flown first class and stayed in some luxury suites.

    As for the wait time, the people who are getting their referrals this month will have waited 24 months since their dossier was logged in in China. They are currently giving referrals to people who were logged in from December 9-14th 2005. They are averaging about one week (sometimes as small as 2 days!) of logged in dates per month. The wait is expected to go past 3 years, but no one knows exactly how high they will go. Obviously if they keep at the pace of one week or less per month, the wait will just continue to grow and grow and grow. Obviously the higher the wait gets, the more people will drop out and the less people who will sign up, so it will go down eventually, but who knows when they'll get through the current backlog? Its definitely something to consider.

    Both of my children were older (my daughter was 2 1/2 at the time of adoption and my son was 8 1/2 at the time of adoption) and have special needs, so I waited 4 months from when I was logged in until I traveled for my daughter and 6 months from the time I was logged in until I traveled for my son. I do NOT suggest that you adopt a waiting child just because the wait time is shorter though. I'm not accusing you of thinking that, but sadly some people do.

  2. A friend of ours adopted from China and it took them about 18 months, but it was well worth every day of waiting.  Their daughter is precious!

  3. A friend of mine adopted from China and it took a couple of years for her to get her baby.

  4. Our first special needs adoption in 2006 took 6 months.  The cost was about 22K, only because 4 of us traveled there and 5 on the return trip.  The one we are in the process of doing now should take 9 mos and will cost less than 20K.  

    The only way the cost would be 40K is if 10 people went with them to China.  The average cost is 18-20K for 2 people.

    The wait for non special needs is running about 4 years now.  There are many minor special needs children that need homes and their wait is about 9 mos to a year right now.

  5. I've adopted in China twice now.  The wait today is far longer than it's ever been.

    You should join a Yahoo Group called the A-Parents-China listserv. It's the mother of all message groups about adoption in China. I've been on it for over 11 years and I've kept up to date with all the changes in Chinese adoption.

    On the A-P-C you'll get more up to date information about the wait than your agency will give you, and you'll be able to network with others who are in the same boat you are.

    The address for the A-P-C listserv is:

    Finally, I want to address something Suzanne H said about her sister in law. She said it cost 40,000 dollars. I have never, never, never heard of anyone spending even close to that on an adoption of a single child from China. Other countries yes, but not China, Both times we adopted, we spent no more that 20,000 dollars including airfare, hotels, and every single piece of paper. (In fact, our first adoption probably cost significantly less that that.) For our second adoption, there was also the adoption tax credit, which meant that the second adoption only was about $10,000 out of pocket, since we were reimbursed for $10,000 of it.

    The only way I can think of that Suzanne's sister in law spent $40,000 is if she adopted twins. Yes, you do pay double expenses for twins. Everything is doubled.

  6. my sister in law did, she waited for 2 years and it cost them $40 K all together with travel expenses.

  7. Wait times are 24 months for non special needs

    9 months for special needs

    And total cost for both of our China adoptions, 13500 for one and 18500 for the other, all expenses included.

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