
Is anybody beside me going to be glued to the TV for Shark Week on the Discovery Channel?

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Is anybody beside me going to be glued to the TV for Shark Week on the Discovery Channel?




  1. yea i might watch a couple days. i just dont have the time to really watch it. but your not alone.

  2. Just you.

  3. MEEE im watchin it right now!

  4. i LOVE sharkweek

    u dont even understand!

    im obsessed with sharks

    like obsessed

    how pissed are u that theyr not playing all shark shows.. theyr like putting regular **** on during the day! thats NOT how it was last year!

  5. They canceled it.

  6. I don't really like tv that much, but I love shark week.

    I'll only watch it in my free time when I have nothing else to do though. Otherwise, I'm most likely going to be out, getting exercise and having fun.

    Isn't this question supposed to be in the "television" section?

  7. No John, I live in Florida. Sometimes I feel sandpaper rubbing against my legs, but I try to think about something else instead. Those MF's would really scare me if I let them. I think I'll leave Shark Week to guys like you.

  8. yessss!! im watching it right now and plan to watch it all night!!  LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Well i dnt have pay tv

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