
Is anybody else afraid of a highway pile up?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i know that a interstate pile up is rare to happen in somebody life, but does anybody ever fear it? I rear ended a flat bed trailor a year or so ago ( in oklahoma, its always the person who does the rearending fault) and ever since then, if im riding with somebody and they brake really hard and almost hit somebody, I get short of breath and really shaky. I dunno whats wrong with me, has this to happened to anybody before. sorry, back to the main question, i kinda of get a little nervous when im riding down the interstate doing like 75 or 80 and its thick traffic cause im alway afraid the suv or car in front will slam on his/her brakes and I rear end them or something will happen and i basically will skid and slam into somebody, even when i go slower. does anybody else worry about this? Am I being paranoid? I drove in the city one time and wasnt nervous or scared , i dont know why. its just going that fast is what scare me i mean somewhat the same speed, but different structure.




  1. Sometimes I am afraid, but I'm also afraid of my garden gnomes coming to life at night and digging holes in my back yard. I have a lot of fears.

  2. I ride a motorcycle  and YES, I fear that!

    that's the main reason why I avoid the highway and heavy congested roads

  3. honestly you most likely suffer from some form of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). I kind of go through the same thing. I was in a very very bad accident ( i was not driving), and we were going too fast around a corner and lost complete control of the car. The car was ripped in two pieces and origionally reported by passers-by  as a two car accident. Neither of us were hurt in any way, but even now I panic going even the speed limit around corners.... I'm getting much better, but on occasions my heart rate jumps and i notice i miss taking a breath.. the more you become aware that the situation (in your case breaking) is happening, you can start talking yourself down, calming yourself, and bit by bit you will see some positive signs :) good luck

  4. I was a little terrified after seeing Final Destination 2. I think about that scene every now ad then when I get on the highway and it still kinda freaks me out. I think it kinda makes yo a better driver though if you are looking for a way out and driving way ahead of where you are actually at.

  5. That may be your sense of self-preservation telling you to slow it down a little. There's really no reason to be going 75-80 mph even if traffic is riding your bumper--just get and stay in the far right lane, keep one car length per 10 mph between you and the car in front of you, and go only as fast as you feel would be safe if you suddenly had to hit the brakes. If you're the passenger, I would ask the person driving you to slow it down and/or avoid riding with that person if possible.

    You may also want to talk to a therapist about possible post-traumatic stress disorder. It's not unusual to be afraid, but listen to your instincts.

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