
Is anybody else feeling depressed about not having a baby?

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I know six people that are pregnant and it is so depressing. First my cousin got pregnant, then my stepmom, then my future sister~in~law. All 3 are due within a month of each other. Next was my cousin's on and off again gf, then my uncle got his gf pregnant, and the latest one is my friend. 4 of them are on their 2nd or 3rd kids. 3 of the couples can't afford a baby. I've been wanting a baby and am getting married in 2 and a half months. My fiance and am on planning on kids between when we get married and our 2 year wedding anniversary. I feel so depressed right now. Does anybody else feel depressed that everybody else but them seems to be pregnant?




  1. I have 5 kids in my family under the age of 1.  Three of them are newborns.  I just started TTC and its kinda depressing.

  2. I am depressed right now because I want a baby. My husband and I have been trying for over a year. I have seen so many people get pregnant and have their kids that everytime I hear of someone else getting pregnant, my insides just churn. I get so jealous sometimes. Hopefully it happens easier for you then it is for me. We are still trying.  

  3. it used to depress me very very much when my sisters-in-law would get pregnant.  but now, for some reason, I'm ok with all the pregnancies.  my sister announced hers a few months ago, and on my wedding anniversary my sisters-in-law announced theirs (they're due within weeks of each other they think).  I know my newest sis-in-law (they just got married on saturday) will probably get pregnant within the next few months.

    I have an 11 year old daughter but haven't been able to get pregnant since.  in that time I've been at times severely depressed (most of the time just moderately depressed though) and have had problems with my husband off an on (mostly related to the depression).  not sure what it is but the past 6 weeks or so I've been much improved.  I'm truly happy about my sisters' pregnancies.  I was feeling good that this month might be my turn, but I'm not so sure it is anymore, and I'm ok with that.  there's always next month.  and if it does go to next month, I have a plan.

    maybe you've been too stressed?  I'd wait until after the wedding to really try.  not as much stress and no pressure.  and if it doesn't happen as soon as you'd like, just remember that you'll soon have all those wonderful babies in your life and you'll get to love and spoil them and become the fun aunt to.  :D

  4. Yeah I feel your pain I've been ttc also and no luck but everyone else seems to not have any problems at all it is very frustrating but I'm not going to give up and neither should you if that's what you really want good luck.

  5. Yes it is depressing. My husband and i have been trying continuously. But we have miscarried 4 times in the last year. But we dont give up hope and we keep trying. But it is depressing seeing babies everywhere you go and think to yourself oh i could of had one. But going out and seeing babies is what makes us keep trying. Good luck.

  6. EXACTLY!!! i feel exactly what you feel me and my husband have been married for over a year and together going on 4 years. i have 2 kids from a previous relationship but they live with their dad ( i think it is best since their dad is very sick on dialysis and has total kidney failure and is on a transplant waiting list. but for a 5 foot 2 hispanic male finding a good match is showing to be hard) so I dont get my kids all the time and I want a baby so badly with my husband i feel like our marriage and family is not complete untill we have one of our own. but my husband has been buying baby items diapers, crib playpen swing etc, but will not try he wants to wait til  we can fight to get custody of my kids back sinc eis has been hurting me so much not having them. after he told me he wanted to try then shortly aftersaid wanted to wait for custod of my kids and that will prob be atleast a year away all i see is babies and pregnant women that are so happy and new dads holding their newborn babies and even animals that are pregnant and every comercial on tv has something ot do with babies or fertility an pregnancy i am going crazy i want to be pregnant again so badly my kids and 4 and 5 and i want all my kids to be close in age not wait til my youngest is like8 or so then start trying i totally feel how you feel. i am constantly depressed!!!

  7. Not right now but I did when I wasn't pregnant. I had wanted another baby since my daughter was one but had to wait a whole year til my fiance was ready to start trying for another, in that time a bunch of my friends had more babies in less than ideal circumstances and I was a little jealous wondering why I have to wait when we are in a better position. The way I figure it your time will come at some point, and by the time you are busy getting ready for baby and enjoying your pregnancy, they will have already had their babies and wish they were pregnant again.  

  8. i have been ttc for the past 6 years now and in that time there has been atleast 50 pregnancy's that i know 4 of which just had them and 1 that is about to pop, everyone in the world knows i have been ttc and still they seem to rub it in my face when they start to try and get pregnant right away, i sometimes cry just because of it, my mom didnt want to be a grandma anytime soon till my sister got a dnc and i balled because of it and my mom saw how hurt i was that she jumped into her car and drove me to orlando fl to touch what is called the fertility status (which didnt work for me but did work for my aunt that tryed for 8 years to get pregnant) but i have changed me lifestyle this year and hope that it will help me get pregnant but yes it kills me to see others pregnant having babies

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