
Is anybody else finding it BIZARRE that some posters on this site are saying that if America is attacked...?

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0 LIKES UnLike terrorists that would be "good" for McCain?


Sorry, I'm just not getting it.

If the REPUBLICANS have been in charge for eight years, if the REPUBLICANS have spend a bazillion dollars on the inefficient, incompetent Homeland Security Department, if the REPUBLICANS have circumvented the Constitution to spy on Americans without a warrant, if the REPUBLICANS have suspended Habeas Corpus to hold "suspects" for years on end with no charges and no trial, if the REPUBLICANS have bankrupted this country in the name of "national security", if the REPUBLICANS have allowed bush to break laws and classify every single piece of paper in the White House as "top secret" so that he cannot be investigated under the boogeyman of "national security" ---

If the REPUBLICANS have done all this and more, and we STILL GET ATTACKED BY TERRORISTS, then how in God's name could anybody, anywhere surmise that the Republicans are better on National Security?

HAR! This is really funny!




  1. The conventional wisdom is that an attack would make people rally around the flag and the party that wraps themselves in national security issues, while the opposition couldn't say much because they'd be seen as blaming America for the attack rather than the terrorists.

    BTW, are we not supposed to recall that this ploy is exactly what the Republicans said in 2004? Remember Cheney saying that if people made the wrong choice, the danger was that we'd be hit again and hit harder than 9/11?

  2. YES~!!!

    they are anoying liitle bast*ds arent they.....!

    and as dim as a burnt out bulb~!!!

  3. Its quite pathetic when you realize that Republicans don't ever internalize what has happened instead of what they are told will or could happen with Republicans in charge.

    Its almost like living in Bizzaroland, where black is white and good is bad. They get told Democrats are weak on terrorists, but overlook the worst attack ever on our civilians was under Republican rule. They talk about Clinton and the first World Trade Center attack, but they forget that those terrorists were tried, convicted and are in jail, something Bin Ladin isn't.

    They talk patriotism, but show flagrant disregard for the Constitution.

    They talk conservatism, but promote budget busting policy and huge national debt.  Their conservatism has brought larger government than ever before, and they approve of government entering into the most personal decisions of all.

    Welcome to their Bizzaro world.

  4. You really bring up some good points, but, it's not the REPUBLICANS that make the policy, its the entire congress that has a vote on how the nation will conduct it's business. And it's not the REPUBLICANS that control both houses, its the DEMOCRATS. All administrations in the past have done the exact same thing that has been going on for the past 8 years......some things never change, it doesn't matter which political party is in charge, its the entire congress that allows whats going on in the government, not just one person (President)......The moment makes the position. Would we be where we are today if a DEMOCRAT was President? YES!!!!!  Maybe even far worse......... Instead of REPUBLICAN in your question, maybe it should be CONGRESS.

  5. You missed an important detail.

    Everywhere where you typed REPUBLICANS , you should have also included "AND DEMOCRATS", because all of those things were approved by our legislature, that is made up of BOTH parties, and requires member of BOTH parities to support the measures before thy can really happen.

  6. It's almost like they're wishing for an attack, isn't it?

    Republicans are useless on national security, as they are useless on defense, infrastructure, economic regulation, food safety, and just about everything else.  They win by encouraging people to be afraid, and this is just part of that strategy.

  7. Lets not forget...after 911 when our country was supposed be safe and secure, someone managed to put some Anthrax out there, through the federal MAIL system, none the less.

    Lets not forget that Bush and Miss Rice had ample warning that 911 was going to happen. They brushed it aside. Can't blame Clinton for that one.

  8. Number one.....that's alot of Republican bashing given the fact that we haven't had an attack in this country since 2001.

    What the posters are implying is that after an attack,  you would have a clear choice between a candidate with vast military and political experience v.s. a newbie you was just in his state legislature a short four years ago.

  9. Israel is going to suck AMERICA into a new war  OPEC says SUB PRIME bush-co mortgages are responsible for initiating  the high oil prices would say republicanos have done COOKED us all no matter if a fake or real Terrorist attack as for being good for my redsters&McCain I would think thats BAT SHITTT CRAZY!!! F.P

  10. Only thing I can think of is that an attack at the right time will not only allow them to declare martial law and possibly end the election but might allow them to rig another election to go their way.

    That makes me think that any attack between now and election day is going to be a false flag one by the same CIA agents that pulled off the 9/11 false flag attack.

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