
Is anybody else in the same boat as me at the moment?!

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Well, i am now past the 2ww, and my af was due on 5th Aug 08 and she has not arrived yet! (fingers crossed she doesnt lol!) So at the moment I am now 2 days l8. I dont want to get excited in case I am not pregnant but my periods are so regular being 26-28 days. I dont feel any different. I dont have any typical 'pregnancy' symbols, I do find myself not being able to sleep and going to the toilet at least three times a night and they seem to be at the same time as well (strange!) I also am getting the occasional cramping, but when I go to the toilet, nothing! my panties are dry so im guessing my cm is dry too. Im too scared to take a test in case it comes back BFN!

Is there any body else in this position? Any1 else l8 with no symptons, but took a test and got their long awaited BFP? Any comments are appreciated! thanx!

(Apart from smart a** 1nes)!




  1. Go for it, I would be soooo excited and running my butt to the store to buy a test if I were even one day I hope you get your bfp result. Good luck and baby dust. I am due to start on the 15th and the wait of taking a test is killing

  2. when i found out i was pregnant i had no symptoms apart from so mild cramps here and there, I'm 6+5wks now and only just getting some symptoms, go and test, good luck  

  3. I'm 2 days late and terrified to take a test. dont want to see a BFN. Good luck and baby dust

  4. I expected AF on 8/3.  She didn't come and I was 4 days later, then she suprised me.  I'm still pretty upset.  Good luck to you though!  I hope this is your month.

  5. AF is due tomorrow...but hoping she takes a 9-month holiday LOL!

    no irregular symtpoms...I've been having trouble sleeping for a few weeks...cramping (but i have a cyst and it's not unusual)...sore bb also usual for me...


  6. I am in the EXACT same situation as you.  I was supposed to start on the 4th and nothing yet.  I am also trying not to get my hopes up, but for some reason i am having somewhat of a tough time.  And the peeing thing.. i usually never ever get up on the middle of the night to pee but lately i wake up nearly wetting the bed. lol.  And then i think to myself, is peeing in the middle of the night going to affect the outcome of my HPT if i take one in the morning??? so stressful!!!!  i have other symptoms as well, constipation, eating more food and random food, nipples were sore.. etc.  but like i said, trying no to get hopes up!!

    But good luck to you!!  As much as i hate that you have ot go thru it, its nice to know I'm not alone!!

    baby dust***************************

  7. well i'm on clomid to have a babby and af was due on 8/3 and it still hasn't arrived hpt was BFN but now my doc. says with other meds i'm on it may not show i may have to get a blood test. i'm also in the bathroom and very uncomfortable with sleeping and eating everything in sight... i'll keep everyone informed... TTC For 15 months now

  8. I'm in the same boat...i'm cramping though. AF is 2 days late and no sign of her coming really other than the cramps. I took a test today and got a BFN....I really hope AF doesn't come.

  9. ya I'm in alot the same boat, my period was supposed to come the 3rd or 4th, it was weird my last period i didn't really get any cramps, very mild like you do when your ending your period then the cramps came. they have came and gone every since. not sure whats going on. i felt like this when i was pregnant, i didn't have the baby.

    i really hope i am. my periods are normally like clock work.sometimes it comes a week late, so I'm going to wait till the 13th or 14th to test. if it doesn't come. i don't want to get a false reading. with the way my cramps are i think i may be, but i dont want to get my hopes up. it has felt like i was going to start since my last period, so i think i may be, but idon'tt want to say so idon'tt want to get my hopes up,, but i really hope i am. best of luck to the both of us,, hope this helped, know it really didnt solve anything

  10. I am trying to have a baby  

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