
Is anybody else irritated by the Traffic in Hollywood right now because of the Academy Awards?

by Guest57915  |  earlier

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Is anyone else out there feeling the frustration of more than normal traffic in Hollywood because of the Academy Awards tomorrow? Yesterday I went to west Hollywood on Sunset Blvd, and it took me over an hour to get there. I also get frustrated during the Rose Parade, I can't back out of my driveway because there is so much traffic. So most of the time I just stay home.




  1. haha that's what comes with living in hollywood, it ALWAYS takes forever to get anywhere.

  2. Trafffic is bad in MANY major cities. That is the price we pay for living in a big city where on person thinks they need a giant gas guzzelling SUV or huge car to drive one or two people around in.

    Trains and buses are the mos logical way to stop the trafffic problem. People live 30 to 70 miles away from their jobs drive on the highways, adding to the problem.

    Traffic in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Atlanta, Miami, even in  the capital of Iran even is horrible.

  3. that sucks dude, you can always buy a truck and jack it up with some big assed tired and then just drive over people i mean i dont know what to tell you but if you want an answer to your question then hmm yes/no are my options and i choose yes

  4. On both of those occasions (and during similar events), it is best to stay clear of Hollywood or Pasadena or wherever the shindig is being held - period...I used to drive a limo in LA and I hated awards season...There were not too many options for alternate routes and some passengers always wanted to make a stop along the way...The pickup time plus the required arrival time too often made for some sweaty palms.

    (If you absolutely have to be in either Hollywood or Pasadena during big happenings, take Metro rail.)

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