
Is anybody else really angry that SMeyer stopped writing Midnight Sun?

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She's such a wimpy baby! Some stuff leaks and she gets all offended and decides we're not worthy of her book!

That book was going to save her in my eyes, but now she's doomed.

I know it's awful to have people putting your book up on the internet like that, but it's not such a big deal that she has to stop writing the book!




  1. MEYERS LEAKED IT HERSELF! It is so obvious that she did. She wanted people to stop talking about how bad BD was so she leaks Midnight sun and then complains about it so we don't suspect her.

    More than half of her fan base had no idea it was leaked to begin with so she made sure they knew by posting the copy on her own website. She isn't as clever as she thinks she is.

  2. i feel really bad for her. her rights have been violated! I really hope she does finish it.  (i love SM, but i think she's pouting right now)

    *but*, i wish people would realize that NOT EVERYONE HATED BREAKING DAWN!!!!!

    a big 'ol chunk of us like it!!! it is my second fave book in the series, next to eclipse.

  3. I think she'll finish it, eventually.

    And while I'm not a SMeyer fan (I hate her books with a passion) I don't really think she's being a crybaby. I feel bad for her, to be honest.

    I think the leak, coming on top of the widespread negative response to Breaking Dawn, plus all the pressure of having to remain positive when talking to journalists and meeting with fans while on the road, really was the straw that broke the camel's back. The entire month of August has been a stressful and unhappy one for her, and while I think she could have phrased her statement in a less overblown, emotional way, I can understand why she'd rather withdraw for a while, and why she might not get around to finishing MS (or at least not anytime soon).

    I mean, hey--if someone had maliciously leaked one of my WIPs all over the Internet? Especially at a time when everything else seemed to be going to h**l? I'd be unhappy, too.

    I do think she needs to take some time off before pushing out another book. Ideally, she'll work to improve her writing, learn to stop taking criticism so personally, hire a PA (who is not related to her), and get some lessons from a PR expert in how to communicate her ideas without falling into self-pity, blaming others, and throwing tantrums. Will she do any of that? I don't know. But at the very least, it would help if she didn't have the Stephenie Meyer Book Factory running at maximum capacity all the time.  

  4. no...

    but then, i never liked any of the books in the twilight series. midnight sun, in all practicality, would probably not have been an exception anyway.

  5. nope i think shes pathetic

  6. She reminds me of a little kid who wants attention.

  7. While I do understand she is upset and angry, I agree she is handling the situation COMPLETELY wrong.

    The main thing I took issue with was the way she addressed the fans in her statement.  I felt like she was trying to guilt trip her fans while it is absolutely not their fault, with the exception of whomever initially leaked the chapters.  I personally didn't read the leaked chapters, but I do not blame those who could not resist the temptation at all.  SM really needs to learn to treat her fans with more respect since they have done nothing.  It was a mistake on SM's part to give copies of the chapters out in my opinion.  I really think doing that was just asking for a disaster.  I sympathize, but the tone of what she wrote on her website and the way in which she disappointed her dedicated fans really irritated me.

  8. I agree that it's pathetic of her. It makes her look like a spoiled child. I understand how, if you are a writer, you need to be in the right frame of mind to write well. I understand why she is upset, and why she feels violated. I don't blame her for that. Her rights HAVE been violated, and trust has been broken. She has every right in the world to mourn over that, especially since this has been such a crappy month for her. But she's blowing the entire thing out of proportion. Saying, "Well, you guys leaked it, then you read it, so HA, I'm not going to finish writing it, woe is me! I'm such a martyr!" (the basic gist of her comment about MS) is just stupid! I felt like she was blaming her fans for her own carelessness-- she gave the manuscripts to people she trusted, so it's got to hurt that one of them didn't take care of it. I don't blame her for being upset. But really-- if you are handing out manuscripts to a book that has been eagerly anticipated, of course there's a good chance it will get leaked. If she wanted to prevent leaks, she probably shouldn't have given out the manuscript. And why did she wait a week to talk about the leak? It makes no sense to me. She basically got mad at her fans for reading the leak of Midnight Sun, yet she waited a week to say it was actually Midnight Sun-- a lot of people thought it was fan fiction! A lot of people didn't know it was the real thing when they read it, so how is it fair to get mad at them for that? She could have come out immediately and said it was Midnight Sun, but instead allowed it to go on (although I understand her predicament), THEN she guilt tripped her fans for something that's not their fault. Is she just after attention? Because she's sure got a lot of girls kissing her *** right now.

    She already alienated a huge portion of her fanbase with Breaking Dawn-- and even MORE when she made some of her recent comments ("The Rob Effect" and "If you really love the characters, you should like Breaking Dawn and see this is how the story should  be" for example)-- and now she's alienating even more with this whole MS thing. MS was her chance to redeem a large part of the fanbase she is losing, and she's basically blowing it.

    The smartest thing for her to do is just shut up. Lately a lot of things that have come out of her mouth are either harming her or her fans in some way.

    I think some of the reason why she's overreacting is because she's never dealt with criticism. She had instant success with Twilight, which continued with New Moon and Eclipse. And Breaking Dawn, for the most part, tanked. A lot of fans hated it and most professional views slammed it. She doesn't know how to handle it, which probably has something to do with the emotional undertones of the MS thing.

  9. *sighs*

    She hasn't stopped writing it. She's *postponed* it, meaning it will be continued.


  10. Save Midnight Sun

  11. I see where she's coming from...she has been violated and doesn't know how to deal with it.  Yet it was only a partial copy of the book anyway, so I don't see why she doesn't continue with the book.

  12. Stephenie Meyer has the mind of a four-year-old child. When nobody liked Breaking Dawn, she got defensive and blamed other people. And now, with Midnight Sun, she's going to sulk and wait for us to feel sorry for her. She's having a tantrum, just like a toddler.

  13. A) The people above me are all right. She is being a toddler that wants as much attention as she can get. The series that made her famous not only ended, but crashed and burned. She needs to keep her name on the tip of our tongues.

    B) She started Midnight Sun because she wanted to, or at least that's what she says. She either has either lost all passion for it, or it was only another way for her to get money. If she felt passionately about this book, she wouldn't be able to stop. She'd HAVE to finish it, even if she didn't release it. If this was just another money thing (which I honestly don't believe it was) then she's being even more of a baby.

    Yes, she was hurt. She trusted someone who didn't return the favor. But how in the world is that an excuse to pout and act like a child? I can understand a small break, but postponing indefinately? I don't think so.

    I think this because a writer would never abandon their life's work just because they got their feelings bruised a little. If she is honestly too depressed to write, then:

    1. she needs help, because it's not THAT big of a deal. I mean, there were tons of HP leaks. Rowling took it like a man...or woman, I should say.

    2. maybe stopping really is best. She'd probably make a crappy book if she didn't feel the urge to write.

  14. I'm angry, but my anger is more averted just to the fact that the book may never be finished.

    I believe that it's very sad that her book got leaked, but I can only hope that SM gets back on the saddle and maybe, possibly finishes her book! She worked so hard on it and I really, really, really wanted to read it! I honestly believed that Edward's version would possibly be even better than Bella's!

  15. yeah i know, but it could also be because BD was so bad she doesn't want like anymore crtisism

    If u want a good book by sm read Breaking Dawn she better finsh MIdnight sun other wise i'm gonna be pist i like to see what edward is all about  

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