
Is anybody else shocked that Manchester council cant even make a large TV screen work for two hours?

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or is this another example of 3rd world britain




  1. No i am more Shocked at the Scottish Football Supporters

  2. No, I'm not shocked at all - any piece of electronic/electrical equipment can fail at any time but we don't have to then start behaving like animals...............and I wonder WHERE this equipment was made..........

  3. Its not shocking that the TV broke down, or even that allowing Scotsmen to drink cheap booze all day led to violence.

    Its not even Shocking that Manchester city centre was trashed, the shocking thing is 'how could they tell it had been trashed'?

  4. Londoncentric media is laughing it's nuts off - for when it's not doing that, it tends to be a wee bit envious of Manchester.

  5. forget the tv breaking down think of the poor sods that have to clean up all that litter

  6. Will you stop calling Britain a 3rd World country! Your the sort of negative lump of misery and dreariness that puts a downer on this country.

  7. Technology can fail it's not down to the council or manchester!

  8. I think it's more stupid that people have to riot because they had trouble watching a soccer match. Anyway the scottish team lost, they probably would've rioted anyway.

  9. Get over it its just a game. Its not as if a big tv is an "essential" in our city. People complain when councils spend stupid money on stupid non necessaties instead of improving the local borough. You cant have it both ways.

  10. I don't think that just because a television screen wasn't working is a valid enough reason for hundreds of football "fans" to go on a rampage!

  11. no

  12. All I know is that its given them an excuse not to have big screens set up outside Old Trafford next wednesday, the swines.;...

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