
Is anybody else sick of SEC fans?

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Is there a more annoying and ignorant group of people in american sports than SEC fans?

The only questions they ask are about how bad Ohio State is, and about how good the SEC is going to be this year. I have never seen an SEC fan give an actual educated, meaningful opinion on a question. This is what Ive realized after 2 seasons of hearing about how bad the Buckeyes are and how superior the SEC is. Its as if there are no other conferences in college football outside of the SEC.

You morons make it impossible for any decent college football talk of any sort to happen here, because as soon as a question gets posted, it gets lambasted by SEC fans and Big Ten/Ohio State hate. Every single question I look at has multiple answers about how weak Ohio State's schedule is, and about how we dont deserve anything.

Lets just get some facts straight:

We are aware that the Big Ten has relapsed a bit in the past 5 years.

We are aware that Ohio State had a laughable non confrence schedule last season, and backed into the National Championship game. But, we didnt see everyone else losing so much that we shot up the rankings, only because we won the games we were supposed to, which is alot more than anybody else can say.

And you know if Ohio State had won these past two National Championships, there wouldnt be any questions on here asking about how pathetic the SEC is. Of course not. Why? Because, unlike SEC fans, we Big Ten fans practice a little thing called class. But you wouldnt understand it, since most of your SEC coaches/idols dont know what it is either.

So, heres my message to the SEC: we understand that you've won the past two NC's, and we understand that maybe you have a little right to brag over Ohio State. But dont judge the whole confrence, and the hate for OSU is going too far. Shut up about how great you are, because nobody else cares, and, in a few years, somebody else is going to knock you off from your perch at the top, and when that happens, dont expect anything different than what we've had to hear from you for the past 2 seasons.

Oh and congratulations on not having any programs on probation this year SEC! Its the first time in 25 years the SEC cant stand for "Surely, Everyone's Cheating."

Your teams may have cleaned up thier act, but you fans probably never will.




  1. I agree with you.  

  2. Come on Dude and by dude I do mean crybaby. Listen it's a bunch of people voicing their opinions. I mean it is what makes sports great. It's awesome. I could care less what they say about how great they are or how bad they think Ohio State is. They talk S**t on ND too. I just give it right back. Bottom line, there's nothing wrong with a little competitive banter and just sit back and wait you'll get your chance to give it back just be patient.  

  3. Because the SEC has powerhouses like Georgia, Florida, LSU, Bama, Auburn, Tennessee, and rising teams like Arkansas, South Carolina, Ole Miss, Mississippi State, and Kentucky they unfortunately have the right to brag. As a Texas fan though I believe the Big 12 has a chance to surpass the SEC as the nation's best conference because almost every team has an explosive offense, but only for this upcoming season.

  4. I've had enough of those pricks myself.  That LSUBalls kid is the worst of them all.  I mean all LSU is guilty of is playing in the toughest conference know to modern man.  Any Big 10 team can play their schedule.  They (sec fans) are the biggest loud mouths I've ever come into contact with.  I could understand the arrogance if they (the sec) consistently dominated all other conferences year in and year out.

  5. Exactly. The Big Ten has won the most NC's of all time. Has the most alums in the NFL, And has 2 of the 5 most winningest teams ever. Yet the SEC fans say that they accomplished all those feats. I'm pretty sure that if LSU, Florida, Georgia, Tennesee, Auburn all had losing seasons in the same year the whole SEC region would be wiped out by looters and stealers and other people because they are that desperate. And you could get a decent education at any  Big Ten school.

  6. The only thing I'm sick of is having all the Bowl games played in SEC territory every d**n year! The ALWAYS get homefield advantage and that has to stop! Everyone says its cause of the weather, B.S.!!! They're are thousands of fans who would come to watch a Bowl game in the Northern stadiums when it';s freezing out! Bring those SEC Bowl teams up here to the North and see how well they play for a change!!

  7. No.  They are proud of their conference.  I think whiny Big 10 fans of Thee Overrated State University are more annoying to answer your second question.

  8. Your piece of S**t team will never win another BCS title game ever again as long as the SEC exists Hahaha

  9. Ya It's pretty annoying...but they'll suck this year so I'm not the Big 10 is the conference where most players end up in the NFL so even if we don't have so called better team we have the best players...


  10. well: basically I am not  sick&tired  about "Football (America )

    it is ok as professional Sports has your Answers for rules of

    Conduct  an National College Championship Association an member

    whom supports any University action type Sporting Events has

    the rights  to Choose an team for championship title also yourself

    don't know any better  answered

    by NCAA


  11. YEP!

    GO BLUE!!!

  12. Someone is a little bit bitter...

    You gotta quit judgin everyone by lumping them all together like that man. It's not fair.

    Nothing wrong with a little team/confrence pride.

  13. Ohio State had a weak schedule, didnt they play Texas once in columbus and once in Austin. And this year has USC away along with

    Illiniose and Wisconsin away too. Sounds like a pretty darn tough schedule if you ask me.

    Does the SEC have the right to bragg, sure they do, do they have the right to have some fun sure they do, but sometimes their comments on Ohio St and this is coming from a non-big 10 fan can be easily taken as showing very little respect.

    Wonder how much talk and hype the SEC was bragging about when its champion Georgia got beaten by the Big East champion West Virginia in 2005, practically in their own back yard, Georgia I do recall

    did make the game interesting.

    The Big 12 in my opinion has caught up with the SEC in football. Can they duplicate 4 titles in the next decade or so, that remains to be seen, but last year could have easily placed three teams in the BCS

    , and the experts are talking about that same possibilty happening again this year, the only conference mentioned when it comes to this very subject manner, will it go down as such, no that'll

    create way to much noise.

    The Big 12 is the league with the most talented qb at almost every school, plus they have added speed to the teams as well, something can dethrown the Sooners if they dont pick up the pace a step this year.

    The Big 10 has three outstanding programs this year that are going to have double digit wins this year. Ohio St,Illinoise and of course Wisconsin .

    Penn St and a surprise Purdue will follow with just a game or two short of being double digit wins.

    Right now the SEC has the favorite to having a representative going to the NC game this year. And this year other teams fighting for the NC game are very capable of beating the SEC champion albiet it being LSU,Georgia or Florida.

    Teams such as Missouri,Oklahoma and USC and to include West Virginia have the offensive fire power to put up enough points to beat these SEC teams. Ohio State does as well have too many returning starters, and by the time the NC game is played Terrel Pryor will most likley be the starter for Ohio St adding another threat to the offense.

    So, I congradulate the SEC on its decade of success in football, but other conferences are producing the teams that can easily match head to head with the SEC elite along with other strong conferences elite.

    Its a simple formula , be a mid-level bowl, a BCS bowl or a NC game, the team that plays the best for those 4 quarters wins. The SEC teams simply been the better teams on those nights.

    As for the NC game this year, its truly up for grabs. What everyone fails to realize that 4 teams have legit shot at going unbeaten this year,unfortunately none are from the SEC. The SEC fans can cry others had a weaker schedule or because the SEC the best conference and beats up on one another, but sometimes being the top dog carries its consiquences too. If two of the four possible teams do end up unbeaten, then the SEC  Champion NC representative will be shut out.

    These 4 teams are USC ,Ohio State,West Virginia and Oklahoma. Of course USC and Ohio St meet, the winner has great shot at running the table. Oklahoma has Texas, does not play Missouri in regular season has Texas Tech at home as their threats this year.

    Ohio St needs to get past USC but do have tough road games against at Wisconsin mid-season Oct 4th and Illinoise late season on Nov 15.

    West Virginia threats this year are Sept 18 @Colorado, Oct 23 Aurburn,Nov 28 @Pittsburgh and season finally Dec 6 S.Florida.

    USC of course only needs to get past Ohio St, Oct 4 Oregon, Oct 11 Arizona St all at home, and the UCLA game only threat they play on the road this year.

    The SEC chances for an unbeaten year is their too, meant no disrespect but the competition is too tough. So if there are two unbeatens from any of these 4 teams mentioned, well no NC representatives. Odds arent really that low for this to happen. What really be crazy if 3 of these 4 teams go unbeaten. As for respect for Ohio State, I have tremendous respect for that program. Jim Tressel is a class act coach and deserving of a National Title, Maybe this year , but he needs to hurry it up. Wisconsin isnt going away, Michigan State is way ahead of schedule, Michigan will only take time before the college world has any idea what just hit them and Illinoise just keep getting better and better.

    So to all the fans who support your team, good luck to all

    and may the best team win.

    Go EEER's, thier I gave away who I root for!!!

  14. Well all SEC fans aren't annoying, but they can act pretty stupid sometimes. At the Independence bowl when 'bama played the Buffs, alot of LSU fans showed up to taunt the bama fans. Most of them wore shirts that said "Nick Satan", "F@#$ Saban" stuff like that, yet when 'bama was beating the Buffs they were chanting SEC!!! Weird the LSU fans seem to forget that the LSU program was c**p before Dinardo and Saban arrived...Vanderbiltish if you will.

    The SEC has won 4 BCS championships in the past 10 years so I guess they can brag, a bit ,eventually another conference will knock them down.

  15. It is all in fun and bragging rights. Don`t take it so hard. You will get your turn.It cycles around. OSU is a fine program. Thanks for the congrats.

    Now you know how Pats fans must feel. Listening to Giants fans go on and on how their mediocre team beat the best team in the NFL.

    Your conference would get more respect if they had a conference championsip game. Peace from a UF fan. By the way I hate LSU,Georgia,Alabama and Tennesee.  

  16. The SEC has gone thru growing pains in the past, like the Big Ten is now. Big Ten geared up with Bulk and The SEC went with Speed. It might take Big Ten 5 years or so to catch up.

    You are tired of the SEC Talent doing this to Ohio State? Don't play us in a Bowl!!!!

    When Auburn went 13-0 and was snuffed, a lot of Other conferences lost respectability.

  17. I couldn't be bothered reading that rant...

    and I don't expect anyone will, but I am only sick of LSU fans.  This is due to their lack of intelligence and football knowledge though.  I don't hold that fact that they are all in-bred against them.  They cannot help this.

  18. your funny. you have the balls to sit there and rant about how much you hate the SEC! if you hate the teams in the SEC, then OSU needs to beat them once and a while!!! when was the last time OSU beat an SEC team? have they in the past 20 years? LOL!! quit your crying!! OSU needs to play better teams out of conference. besides, OSU is weak! plus, the browns suck too!!! LOL. by the way, who has said that the SEC has stopped cheating? they just havent been caught! LOL. GO PITT!!!  

  19. So if I searched YouTube, I wouldn't find any videos of Big Ten fans acting like a bunch of jackasses? It's all going to be champagne, hors d'oeuvres, and people who use phrases like "spiffing" and "jolly good show"?

    Like someone else said, conference dominance comes and goes, after the SEC's reign, then it might shift to the Big 12, then after that the ACC, then the PAC-10, one never knows. Is it obnoxious that loudmouthed (most likely bandwagon) fans go on and on about how great they're conference is? Absolutely. These things happen with success.

    I actually don't mind LSUBalls, at least he types something other than "Fight On", but that's another story.

    That's my 2 for 2.

  20. A 5 paragraph rant about how arrogant and ignorant SEC fans are.  You are the classiest m**o I've ever seen.  Keep on "practicing a little thing called class", maybe one day you will get good at it.

    **outsidebreaker- good to see you back on here man.  How the penal enlargement surgery go.  Are you able to satisfy Bruce yet?  Hey if things don't work out, you can always switch back to your original gender.  Good luck.

  21. Your question explains why you big 10 fans get called whiney and cry babies. And get over it, we have the right to brag. while there are some real @ssholes the majority of us are just having fun with it just like ya'll would be doin if it was the other way around.

    And cleveland rocks, do some research before you say some stupid S**t like that bc the SEC has the most players drafted and the most first round picks. the big ten was tied for 2nd b4 this past draft with the pac 10.

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