
Is anybody else tired of hearing things like ?

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"god favors republicans" or god favors a certain set of people or god would do this or that.

heres a hint people: wouldnt god be mad at somebody using his name for political gain?ie. gustav about to pound new orleans to remind us of the atrocious response to katrina....

universal healthcare: what would jesus have done? if i remember correctly.....jesus helped anybody regardless of how much money they had or how hard they worked. mary magdeline was a prostitute for heavens sakes.

"life begins at the moment of conception": according to one of the saints in the church (i dont remember which one exactly) life began 41 days after conception. (ie know)so who are you gonna believe? john mccain? or the saint? the "above my paygrade" comment i believe was meant that....its not him that should decide should be left up to god...

and people will find that out when they are judged for their wickedness(last part was me)

i could go on and on.....




  1. "im just tired of people using religion to get their agenda across."

    Isn't that EXACTLY what you (and sme and a TON of other Obama supporters) are doing?  Yes, I am tired of hearing about it from you all.

    You can't see how you look like a huge hypocrite right now.  wow ...

  2. According to the original Pledge, it was 'one nation under God' to how people viewed 'God' to be....period, the end. That was the extent to which 'God' or religion was meant to be in any Govt system in our country.  One nation....not 'one' religion or one religious affiliation. We are a very diverse country with a multitude of religions....

    I have no use for the propaganda of religious based agendas being thrown into politics.

  3. WWJD

    Jesus would vote for Obama.

  4. I'm sure God isn't into politics.

    But He also wouldn't want us voting for a self-centered, hypocritical Anti-Christ either.

  5. what you are saying is that religion is about salvation.... not about promoting or preaching your political views!!!!!  

    I agree

  6. LMAO!

    I totally get your point! And I do dislike the phrase "god favors a republican" specifically because I'm an independent.....I've never HEARD or READ anyone say that.....but I do think its very funny that immediately after your post

    "Jesus would vote Obama"

    "Jesus was a liberal"

    Way to break through the hypocrsy there guys. *sarcasm*

  7. Bingo...leave God out of it; just say what you believe and not what you believe God stands for.

  8. Im tired of it, but we rarely hear that c**p anymore, so its no big deal IMO.

  9. If America had separation of church and state like most developed wouldn't be a problem.

  10. that's funny.  You ask if anyone is tired of hearing those things, then go on to pretty much tell us what YOU think He would do.....and who he favors...... it that you are tired of hearing it, or that you are tired of people drawing different conclusions to yours?  In other words, since, apparently God thinks like you, we should quit questioning you and yours?

  11. God...doesn't favor any political party.  The purpose of our country was to provide freedom especially from tyranny.  What I have noticed since the GOP has been in office is a sense of tyranny and religious fundamentalism is an example of that tyranny.  There is no difference between the Islamic version of fundamentalism and the Christian Right version of fundamentalism.  Tyranny is what I am against.

  12. You are the one using religion to get a point across in this question. So I believe that you are the hypocrite/idiot. hmm... oh the irony.  

  13. thats  interesting but im not afraid of your god so he or it can do what ever he likes. If people choose to use its words in different ways thats their choice not yours or anyone elses.

  14. right on

  15. I'm not into that religious hocus-pocus.

    Not disparaging your beliefs... I just don't share them.

  16. Jesus did not steal from others to accomplish his goals. Socialism is theft from those that earn.  

  17. I think its ironic that that one preacher told his congregation to pray for rain during Obama's speech and then a huge hurricane slams into Louisiana the first day of the Republican convention.  

  18. God hates it when liars do things in His Name.

  19. That's what the GOP does and I was tired of it 30 years ago.

  20. So in some ways it is a form of exploitation? The Republicans using religion to get votes. The Democrats are masters of using other people to get something they want. Talk about mass exploitation to get votes, black america being used by the Democratic party for over 30 years and today is no different. They new Hillary was dead in the water because she is so polarizing. So they threw Obama out thier and turned this into a story of the century. But if he fails to win the whitehouse, he will be dropped like yesterdays leftovers. And besides, we all know who really runs the show with both parties. Rich dudes with more time on thier hands to accomplish one thing only, "MAKE MONEY."

    Think I am wrong? Do a little research into who are the power bases of both parties.  

  21. Yeah, I'm tired of all the juvenile c**p whether it;'s from the left of the right.

  22. Jesus was a liberal Jew

  23. good post. have a star.

  24. YES!You are right!

    God has nothing to do with it. He gave us life; he gave us freedom. And now look how much we abuse it. God is not going to get involved in mans petty problems until we pull together. At this moment in time we shame him. I'm not a religious freak, but this is my opinion.

  25. many of you are focused on the candidate's religion, and keeping the "Good Christian Values" in our country.

    Oh, and Mary Magdalene was NOT a prostitute.

    No, she wasn't.  I'm not even Christian and I know that.  The Pope made at statement on it in 1969, recanting the Church's previous stance and teachings on the subject.  Shuddup and read the links.

  26. Oh are wound up.....And, dear one, you didn't make me look stupid.  I like to read and try to see what is your frame of mind?  Everyone has an opinion.  Thank God we can express them.  And, Thank God, or any God one believes in or doesn't believe in...I would like to add.  Best to you.

  27. Yeah well when people haven't got a leg to stand on all they can do is display their ignorance, bigotry and assininity for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE.

    Oh and you don't have to make them look stupid...they get an A+ in that subject ALL BY THEMSELVES.

  28. The n***s believed God was on their side too.

  29. How true.  God doesn't look at someone's political affiliation, but at what is in their hearts.

    BTW--it was St. Thomas Aquinas and he said the soul entered a fetus  at "quickening"--which he put at 12 weeks after conception. The idea that "life begins at conception" dates from the 19th century--up to tat time it was not a Christian teaching.

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