
Is anybody else tired of us americans not uniting and fighting this out of control government?

by  |  earlier

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this country is so segregated in many ways. But while we're complaining about what the blacks are doing wrong, why the mexicans get this and that, how white people have this, what the muslims might do, our government is s******g us on all ends. We're so split up into so many groups, we dont even know where to begin when it comes to everyone uniting and getting our government back in line. We have people out here in serious need of medical attention but the hospitals kick them to the curb because they dont have enough money, or people with insurance are getting dropped because they get sick. Its no longer a race vs race, its the rich versus the average american. while we're fighting amongst ourselves they're laughing at us and getting richer and richer. I thought we were suppposed to be calling the shots? When did these evil forces take over our control and cause confusion amongst us? Who's with me?




  1. Good by.. and good luck.. You started out your rant pretty good.. you outlined what the stratagem of the Democrat Party has been for years.. divide and conquer.. divide everyone up by race, gender, language, disability, sexual orientation, or what ever.. promising each what really they can not deliver and telling each group privately the "you're really our favorite" Then you fall for the biggest scam the Liberal Left uses... Class Envy.. they use that to unite all of the above divisions against a common enemy... the EVIL Rich Guy. Telling them that without the Parties help they will have nothing... keeping them poor and dependent... never telling them that they have the opportunity to become that evil rich guy themselves.

    Sigh.... sad.. truly sad

  2. I'm not with you because by saying that you are about ready to move to Eurpoe you are telling me you aren't really much of an American.

  3. You got it! AGREED!

  4. I think you're right, but Europe has problems too. Every country does.

    But in America at least we have rights that most countries don't give their citizens, but i do see what your saying.

  5. I think the young adults need to stand up and unite to make sure the sh*t doesn't hit the fan when it's our turn to run sh*t and it isn't all the rich it is the rich companies that are controlling everything (candidates, decisions, agenda's for this world just to make them richer) We live by the dollar and that is our problem. Young people listen up, the world does not revolve around the media.

  6. I'm considering South America myself.  Just from the answers you've received so far your point is being made. More finger pointing, ( its the Democrats,  you're not American for being discouraged about how our government has been hi-jacked). And let it be known that this is not the only country where citizens have basic rights. Every other country in the world is not a dictatorship. Don't believe all the propaganda from your own country. Yes this is a great nation however if we keep ceding our personal rights in the name of 9-11 we will wind up looking more like the nations they would have you believe the rest of the world are.

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