
Is anybody familiar with hard contacts? I'm having major problems?

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I just got hard contacts and they are very uncomfortable. My peripherals are blurry and i feel like there is something cutting my eyelids. Is this how all hard contacts feel before getting used to them?




  1. These are side affects that happen you get hard contacts. I would say try using Snger Eyes ( I think that is so how you spell it) These contacts are half soft and half hard. I have heard a lot of people say they really like these.

    About the vision well hard contacts are really hard to get the RX correct. I have had people that come in about 20 times before they get the RX correct. Sometimes it takes time.

    Try finding a doctor that works a lot with hard contacts, some doctors don't really work with hard contacts but they will have them. There are other docctors who have more pt's with hard contacts.

  2. My uncle has hard contacts.  Maybe you should get soft contacts.  Hard contacts are smaller so they might hurt your eye more than a soft contact.  Ask your eye doctor about this.

    hard contacts are more rigid than soft contacts.  You should know that with hard contacts:

    There is a 10-15 times greater risk of developing corneal ulcers, a serious infection, which may damage your vision if not treated. here are some facts about hard contacts:

    Sleeping in hard contacts may decrease flow of oxygen to the cornea.

    Unwanted reshaping of the cornea may happen.

    The amount of time needed to adjust to hard contact lenses is often repeated after not wearing them for as little as a day. In order to achieve maximum comfort you have to wear the contact lenses everyday.

    Hard contacts are more rigid than soft contacts.

  3. I know and remember exactly how you feel! When I was first introduced to hard contact lenses, I was in the 12th grade and it took me more than two weeks just to be able to learn the technique of placing them on my eyes and taking them out! Before then, I wore soft contact lenses and was having a very hard time getting my eyes to stay in focus.

    I refused to wear the hard contacts for more than 20 minutes at a time because they were so uncomfortable!!! Once I put my mind to it, I gradually was able to wear them for a couple of hours a day, but they were still very uncomfortable and I felt just like you do now.  

    The way you are feeling is completely normal and trust me, you WILL get used to them and you will probably enjoy your sight more with them than any soft contact lens. It took me about two to three weeks before I finally was able to wear them all day without noticing them. Ask your doctor first, but try limiting your time in them to an hour for a couple of days and then gradually increase the amount of time you wear them each day. I would give yourself at least two weeks before you make a judgement on them.

    The above answers list only the negative aspects of hard contact lenses,  but there are several positive reasons to wear them and your eye doctor is recommending them for you for a reason. I have never had any of the above problems with my hard lenses and I have worn them for over 10 years. Hard contact lenses are not for everyone, but they can last longer than soft ones, are usually less expensive in the long run, can be sterilized and cleaned easier and can greatly help your vision if you have an unusual cornea or  astigmatism. I love my hard lenses and I will never go back to soft lenses ever again!

    Hope this helps!!

  4. I've had a lot of experience with contact lenses.  I started out with soft contact lenses and they weren't any trouble, but they moved around a bit and it wasn't stiff enough, causing my vision to change really quickly and dramatically. I switched the hard contact lenses and it stopped. At first, it did feel really uncomfortable. I was so sure that the doctor didn't have any idea what he was doing. Don't worry. It'll get better. It also could be that the brand isn't right for your type of eye.

    Hard contacts aren't for everybody. Ask your eye doctor as soon as possible, if it gets worse. You might want to consider switching to soft contact lenses. There are stiffer SOFT contact lenses, if you need the stiffness.

    Maybe, just wait for another day to see if it gets better.  

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