
Is anybody getting notices when people become fans on your account?

by  |  earlier

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I know I am not and was wondering if anyone still is.




  1. I am, just got another...

  2. The notice I just got said I had no contacts. Well, here we go again with  yahoo's consistent blunders in their programming. Do they just drink coffee all the time over there in the Silicon Valley, because one would certainly think so the way this site is run. Hey, maybe we all should ask Mike,lol.  

  3. I am, but I'm still not getting the emails informing me of my contacts' questions. It's been over 3 months now. I know I can still see my contacts questions on my profile, but that only goes back 24 hours, so sometimes I miss them

  4. I am ...And I am following a very nice ladies advice and checking them before making any decision to add them..

  5. as of yesterday i was. i am also getting notices that some that are already my contact wants me as a at its finest.

  6. Yup!  

    Have you gone to check your "edit profile" and made sure that you checked the "contact me of new fans" box?  

  7. Yes I am, only thing that seems to work right around here :)

  8. no,i never do.

  9. Yeh, I've gotten some in the last couple of days. No idea why.  

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