
Is anybody here on yahoo going too roosevelt tommorow?

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roosevelt in fresno to start freshmen year if u r do u knw at what time r we supposed to be their and what for. do our parents have to go with us? i knw it orientation day but how long is it




  1. i don't go to roosevelt, but if it's freshman orientation, you do not bring your parents, & it will last about 2-3 hours, that's how long mines lasted. i'm not sure about the time, considering i don't go to your school, but i guess you have to ask your friends, or go onto your school website and check.


    oh & also, it is not mandatory to attend orientation, but it makes your life easier if you do, because you get to turn in your forms earlier, so you can beat the lines when school starts. but that's what my school did, so i'm not sure if it's mandatory for you. so if you really don't know, don't stress about it, just don't go.

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