
Is anybody listening can u here me when feel like im a bad friend when i know im not !!!!!!!!!?

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Well i havent liked a guy for a while and i got a crush one this one guy in my class but my problem is my best friend likes him too but she likes three guys at one time. This seems stupid even to me but its likeis sometimes bothers me when she talks about him..and no i would never choose a guy over a friend but its like i want to be the only one who like him ...WHY!! and its just a little crush and it seems like not sure that why im asking. Me and this guy are also kinda friends and we walk together to school cause we live by eachother and stuff and well ya i cant tell him i like him because it would kill me to be rejected time after time and also to jeprodize a friendship with this guy sometimes a friendship is better than nothing




  1. Honey, I've been through the same exact thing. In fact, I'm still going through it. My friend liked this guy that I had no idea who he was, and then the next year I met him and got to know him. Sure enough, I started liking him, too. It's an awful thing to go through, because you realize you can never have a relationship with him so long as your friend likes him too. The best you can hope for is to eventually stop liking him or your friend stops liking him. Good luck, and I hope it works out for you!

  2. it's just how life and feelings are don't worry about it.

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