
Is anybody out there intrested in ghost hunting and paranormal activity?

by  |  earlier

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i have alwayas found that stuff really intresting and i live in central texas, i was tryin to find people who are in to it as well maybe get a group started.




  1. I investigate with a wonderful group and we have a great time because we are all passionate about it. But just remember that sometimes it's just alot of waiting around, and nothing exciting happens. But if you love it, that doesn't matter!

  2. I belong to a group here in Washington. It's not a bad way spend your time if you really like paranormal things.  Good luck!

  3. I say go for it I belong to a group in Middle Tennessee and I love it.

  4. If you're new at this..I think you need to learn a lot more before you get into a group..else you'll spend your whole time asking questions. Go to Discover Resolved Questions on here and read all of them that you can. And stay in this section awhile and ask some questions. THEN go look for a group. Do you want an online group...or one in your hometown that you can meet with?There are already groups on here...but I don't know how to tell you to get to them. Maybe somebody else will know and tell you.

  5. io live in san antonio i have experiance in demons i ll join you group if you let me

  6. i think real science is more interesting

  7. I love it but my mom hates it.

    I love watching shows on it too, they're interesting.

    Everytime I turn one on she'd be like "Turn that off, I don't like that stuff."


  8. Ask yourself why a spirit would go to all the trouble to go creaking around or making noises and all just to scare someone?

    Why only at night?

    If they can harm a person why don't they do it on a regular basis?

    Why must we be afraid?

    I think it is a learned behavior.

  9. I'm in UK and i go all by myself, i find it fun and something to occupy me away from work, and you can walk miles round a old cemetery or building so exercise too, i take pics and have a good collection of weird stuff, orbs, a man in a cemetery who was transparent, all kinds, i go out day or night, mates and family think I'm mad but what the h**l,

  10. I am too, but unfortunately I am far away from you (Ireland). Sorry! = )

  11. i am,but sadly i live in Illinois ):

  12. Getting a group started is very difficult but possible.  I currently run a paranormal group in NC and yes there is alot of research to it.  Get as much info as you can prior to starting I suggest getting alot of books on paranormal investigating and maybe taking online courses that are offered on the field.

  13. Yea, I have had a weird experence before myself, I live in NY state though.

  14. I'm into it it sound an looks kool i wacth taps on T. V.  sn that looks kool

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