
Is anybody out there?

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Is anybody out there?




  1. Yes, I've known a few people who are really "out there".

  2. Yes,I'm sitting at my computer desk.

  3. no,

    no one here but us chickens.

  4. Apperently there is no one home at your place!

    This is Vegas Baby! 24 to 7!

  5. Oh yes, there are a lot of people out there. Those you won't ever meet, those you won't ever see and those who are sitting here also answering this question/reading these answers.

    In terms of people out 'there' - beyond - yes and no. There may be a something out there, but it's not necessarily a somebody that will communicate back.

  6. Is there anybody out there

    Does anybody care

    Are the people really there

    O O O

    Is there anybody seeking

    Does anybody see

    Or are they deaf and dumb like me

  7. technically ... you could be talking to yourself ... [Descartes - epsitemological skepticism]

    or you could be talking to an artificial intellect in some sort of matrix.

    or you could have finally admitted that at least some of the millions of ufo footages that exist are real.

    next - if they are aliens - do they have bodies .... do they need bodies e.g. do they just flit as points of blue white light between clones and software downloads or do they form bodies for themselves out of  the essence of the air.

    if they are bodies - then you were asking for any to be true ..

    some must be true it follows.

    but if you cannot recognise which bodies you see are alien and which are human then just be content knowing that somebody is out there operating something somewhere.

    if you cannot extend though ... then as we say how can you know - even if you touch somebody and verify him/her [Logical realism, wittegenstein 1901] that this body is not merely a figment of your imagination.

    what though is a body ... I may in replying merely be an executive programme in the matrix ... what guidelines can you use to see if some body or inteligence is out there ...

    the answer is in the new testament ... to love and be loved in return ... [john 15]

  8. no! thank god! i hate competition over my oxygene!

  9. Yes, Someone is watching you at this moment. You cannot see him but his is there.

  10. Yeah, but no worries, they aren't here.

  11. Is anybody in there?  We should worry more about the alien entities inside our bodies and less on the ones outside this world.

  12. Only if you see that they are.

  13. That depends on how you define "out there"?

  14. out there ,where?

  15. shhh,theyll hear you! they are be carful what you ask,where you go and who you talk to!

  16. Honestly I guess it would depend on how you feel, and what type of anybody you are talking about, ghosts, aliens, demons, loch ness monsters, big foot...

    This is kind of an open ended question sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  17. No.  You're the only one here and you're imagining the rest of us.
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