
Is anybody out there willing to buy me a home and let me Pay them back, my husband and I have 3 kids...?

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Is anybody out there willing to buy me a home and let me Pay them back, my husband and I have 3 kids...?




  1. That’s exactly what mortgage lenders do only you own the home instead of it being someone else who can just take it away from you.  

  2. You build up your credit, save up for a down payment and a bank will give you a mortgage.  No one owes your family a home, except you and your husband.

    You can try Rent To Own as the poor housing sale market has made Sellers more willing to go this route.  If your credit isn't good, and you haven't saved up for a down payment, this may be your only way into a home of your own, but not everyone will risk it with those factors.

  3. Mortgage lenders do it all the time.

    Let me went to one and they said that you couldn't qualify for a loan, which means that they don't believe that you are a good risk to pay them back.

    Now you know why you probably won't find someone to do that.

  4. What does having 3 kids have to do with you buying a home?  Playing off the sympathy of others is pathetic.  Do what most people money, get a mortgage and buy your own home.  

  5. I am the first to agree that this poster's question is COMPLETELY unrealistic, and even if she found someone to do it, she's not considering what she'd do if she couldn't pay the person back.  I think, however, that there are some pretty unkind comments here.  You have no idea what this person's situation is.  She never said that anyone "owes" her a home nor does she deserve to be made to feel like a dreg of humanity and a loser because she's had some rough breaks.  Shut your nasty mouths some of you and be glad you've been dealt a better hand (and don't be so sure that you have what you have because you work so much harder; some people work three jobs and have a tenth of what others have.).

  6. If you can't afford to buy your own home, maybe you need to rent.  I highly doubt that there is anybody, on here, that is just going to buy you a home.

  7. how much money do you have to work with?

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