
Is anybody wish to save our nature and peoples?

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global warming




  1. sure,but how?

  2. sure.........

    i've start a community abt aving environment in my school..

    bt from 3000 student only 32 students joined it

    it's so sad.....

    bt m happy

    atlest 32 p pal worry abt da environment.......

  3. yes is this earth is the only thing we have  and we must tack care of it,the destruction of  this earth is the final solution of human race

  4. It is not like that my dear freind there are many peoples who trying to save nature & peoples at their levels, the thing is that they can save it more effectively if we all come together & work on it. So r u interested ? or hav u just asked this question to get the views of peoples like me only answering to this question asked by u.

  5. Me


    Global Warming is true, there are Natural fazes but we are affecting that to a great extent ,with deforestation ,desertification and pollution., especially air pollution.

    A few weeks ago one of NASA's top scientists concluded that the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free within five years, much faster than all previous predictions.

    when the north pole is gone , you may have polar bears soon in America ,looking for a home ,

    Calculations do not include the accumulative ,speeding up ,factor with time. the increase in water temperature will get faster all the time as well as the melting, when the ice is all gone the deeper cold Ocean currents will stop ,and the drag has gone with it ,also changing the higher warm currents,And only the moon will keep things moving

    This will affect coastal climates ,world wide ,almost instantly. All aquatic flora and fauna will be affected,many dying off and others becoming invasive,

    And recently In Chiapas ,and Tabasco in Mexico .more then a million people became homeless overnight with water coming up to their roofs ,because of rains from super evaporation from the forests,this had never happened before. Millions of animals died.

    In India 3000 people died because of super storms .

    .A few years ago in Europe 3500 people,died during a heat wave ,many of them in France .

    Right now the average death toll annually is 150.000 due to Global warming

    . these figures are already out of date and are expected to double soon.

    In Northern China millions of people are running for their lives because regular dust storms so far have buried 900 villages under the sand and the whole of northern China is turning into a dessert.

    The Sahara is growing by 7 kilometers a year all around the edges ,like a slow burning fire shriveling up their neighbors In the Kalahari huge rivers have dried up and thousand of species are gone due to their habitats disappearing .

    The biggest changes are invisible at micro biotic levels species are becoming extinct ,others are multiplying ,

    This affects the insect populations that follow ,and changes in that ,affect all that follows in the food chains ,

    All life is interrelated of both flora and fauna, And since we are on the top of the food chain ,

    we are always the last to know.

    So Global warming has its toll there are incidents all over the world ,


    confusion rules the day ,i am beginning to think that SCIENCE HAS BEEN INVADED WITH POLITICS AND HUMAN EMOTIONS

    The truth is being distorted at high levels,

    And lies have been weaved in.

    Some of the real dangers are being hidden because there are no solutions , Public could panic.and Authorities would loose control .

    Besides Corporations have other priorities and changes will cause loss of profits ,this also affects the truths being published

    Others facts are exaggerated so that the phenomena can be used to milk the people.

    This is further complicated with Arrogance that will not admit that mankind could be guilty, or that Gods could be out of control ,unloving or incompetent

    But I do not think we can make a real difference anymore to change the tide.

    On a Global scale,Humanity is not co operative enough .

    The poor regions have other priorities such as daily survival.

    There is a lot we can do about being more responsible with what we got ,

    In the first world countries many do not care or are more interested in Global Control than Global Warming.

  6. nature gives us the life

    if we changes the rules of the nature then nature will show the results in the form of disasters.

    if people will save nature then nature will save people & life.

  7. The answer to your question is "Yes, there are millions of people that want to save nature and people". This is evident in the growing movement to clean our environment and to stop global warming. This wouldn't happen if there weren't a large segment of the population that felt a need for positive change. The environmental agreements of the past few years including "Kyoto" and other landmark meetings and agreements show that governments are under pressure to make a change. This can only be done if the populations served by these governments are pushing for such change.

    Search the internet for "global warming", "environment", "green shopping", "alternative energy" and you will find a wealth of information and growing markets for products associated with these ideas and movements. So yes, there are a great deal of people that want to save nature and people - particular from global warming, but also from the other environmental impacts of having a large number of people using the resources of our planet in sometimes inefficient or poorly thought out ways.

    Timothy D.

    West Melbourne, FL

  8. YES, I do.

  9. There are a lot of programmes regarding afforestation and saving nature are being organized. I have actually described about Gramotsavam that was organized in September-October 2007 in Chennai over here:

    But the need of the hour is that we should spread the message to more people and make everyone conscious to save the nature.

  10. r u intrested in saving ur country.just log on to,www.wipe you can know more about global warming

    and take some actions on saving ur country/nature/and our mother earth.



  11. yes! i do believe that there are a lot of people who would want to save the world. the concern and awareness for environmental pollution and global warming is increasing by leaps and bounds. this can be seen by the advent of bio fuels and companies advertising eco friendly bikes etc. even as individuals, many people would like to help, but sadly they never take the initiative...

  12. yes,their are people who care.Try

  13. Because when we pollute the air , they form greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are formed by carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is formed by everything we do. Anway, greenhouse gases trap the sun's rays, so heat is kept in the atmosphere, which eventually will cause the polar icecaps to melt, arctic animals will become extinct, eventually more animals will become extinct and the sea levels will rise so much the entire earth will be flooded.

    I feel a strong connection towards the earth and feel we must help it and stop global warming.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my comment.

  14. ya i if u wan to work with us on environmental works volunetrly then mail me of no we also student of college so .... do something good for our nature

  15. when was the last time you enjoyed nature, it has become  a garbage dump of forest wastes

  16. I am going to join you into saving Earth (this includes nature) and its People.

    Contact me at:

  17. Sorry I like to do But I dont want to do because nobody will respect my words.

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