
Is anyone a Business man?

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see my husband is a machinist an it is really taking a toll on his body an hes only 23...he really wants get into office work an work his way up at a good company hes really good at math an computers he works well with people and very motivated hes willing to get the job done but hes doesn't know how to go about it so if theres anyone successful in this kind of career please leave information it would really help thank you very much for your help.




  1. The first thing is he educated to do inside work. I don't mean he's done this at home does he have any after high school education? Like an Associates Degree or a 4 year degree? Pursuing a higher degree almost certainly opens doors to higher paying jobs that require generally far less physical work.

    In other words, you get paid for your knowledge not your back.

    One thing to remember is that a machinist is a skilled trade. That generally translates to higher then average income for a common worker. You will need to keep that in mind since there is going to be some time to work his way up from where he is now to where he wants to be.

    I'd like to leave you with this. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born into money. The one big equalizer in this country that is available to everyone is education. This may mean some sacrifices in the evenings and it also may require someone, you, getting a job to help with the extra bills. In the end though a college degree regardless of what it is, really is a key up in life.

    A high school education does not generally prepare one for a great job or open many doors.

    Good luck and I wish you all well.

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