
Is anyone a fan of the Duchess of Cornwall?

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Foxy - it isn't an either / or.




  1. Prince Charles is.

    Er  ... that's about it.

  2. No not at all

  3. I think it is great that Charles is now with the woman he loves.  Of course it is sad that their first marriages didn't work out, but wouldn't you rather be with the one you love?  I think Camilla seems a nice woman.

  4. Not I, that's for sure...

  5. I'm sure that somewhere in the realm there is a sad lonely individual who follows her every move and says a little prayer for her every night..But it's not something they would brag about

  6. no not at all, then again i don't like any of them, they should all go, there you now see all the thumb down come along, but what have they done, and what do they they do for us nothing, just as she has done nothing, and will do nothing

  7. mmmmm...........i'm thinking about it..

    I'm not a fan of anyone who hunts down beautiful defenceless creatures for fun/sport - i still have the picture in my mind of when she was proud of the fact she was about to go on a hunt -- having said that she seems to be a great supporter of some charities - ok i've made my mind up - i'll stick to the question -- i do believe she is a nice caring lady, and i'm happy for her marrying the love of her life many yrs on - i only wish she would find some compassion for God's creatures..

    sorry, no not a fan..

  8. No...

  9. Nope a Diana fan

  10. I have no reason to dislike her. She and Charles are happy and when he becomes king, she will make a fine queen.

  11. I'm not.

  12. Nope. It shows P.C.'s poor taste. Cheating on a beauty like Di for a horse-faced ogre like Karma Camilla is like trading in a Roles Royce for a Ford.

  13. She and Prince Charles seem to be extremely happy , and she gives the impression of being a nice lady. Some people try to denigrate her because she isn't as glamorous as Princess Diana was, but in fact she is shaping up pretty well, and I think she will be fine as Queen when the time comes. You don't have to look like a Hollywood celebrity to be a nice person. So in answer to your question....yes I am.

  14. I have no problem with her.  Charles loves her, and that is good enough for me.

  15. I am not a fan of any of the royals but neither do I dislike them;  although I do resent having to pay towards their continued existence.They are rich enough to look after themselves.

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