
Is anyone a medium?

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Have you ever seen paranormal activity? Do you see things other people can't? Can you talk to the dead? Or anything like that?




  1. Medium are more popular than XL. I have always maintain my waist line and I am in my 40's.

    I still think in the US there are to may people who eat hamburgers and put on all this extra weight, and to think there ain't any ham in the burgers.

    As far as activities is concern well you all should exercise a little more and all of use can all be mediums, instead of having heart attacks and ending up dead and then you only have the dead to talk to.

    Glad I can help.

  2. if u want to believe that then go ahead

  3. we all have psychic abilities, To strengthen them, quiet your mind by meditating regularly.

    I am a clairvoyant, I see images in my minds eye which I intuitively can understand . Also I can see energy around people and sometimes colors, which I guess is an aura. I have to be in tune with the universe for this to happen though, I am still learning to quiet the mind.

  4. Yes,  Yes,  No,  Yes.  It's hard to know if their listening.

  5. While my mother lay dying in a hospital, I went to her house to pick some flowers from her garden to take to the hospital. She had this vine that had just bloomed for the first time so I picked the first flower off.  At that moment, I heard my mother yell "Hay" they way she would if I had done something she didn't like.  Since no one else was within 1/2 mile of me, I have to assume it was a paranormal experience.  I'm not given to hearing things so it's not like I was hallucinating.  And it sure as heck wasn't wishful thinking as I always dreaded having her yell at me.

  6. Us human beings can not make a theorem and say that they do exist.

    Those are things that we are probbably never gonna evaluate.

    Although sometimes things happen  which we can conclude as "paranormal".

    For example I remember about 8 years ago my mother had left to the store and I stayed home by myself, after a while I went to the room to search for something that would take my boredom out so I started playing with some dolls. Then, I heard a voice which was referring to me and that voice said, "My little girl", when I heard that I stayed shocked for a moment because it was my grandmas voice which I  heard, and she is dead.

    When my mom came home I told her about it and she just stood amazed and told me, "Alejandra, today its 5 years since she died".

  7. I'm not the best medium out there, and those who seek my help really get what they want most of the time. But I prefer to use my talents as a paranormal investigator.

  8. well one time i saw a dog that like understood english if u consider that paranormal lol

  9. i am an Extra Large, but my brother's a Medium

  10. I like xl, no, yes... nobody called something i saw at the u of l v u of k game tonight, yes when i visit a grave, (I don't know why... they aren't there), I can make it look like i take my finger off holding my thumb... throw it in thin air and wind up with 4 fingers and a thumb.

  11. I say there is no such thing.Once you're dead,Your communicating days are over.

  12. whoa.  anyone can talk to the dead.  its when they start talking back you gotta start worrying.

  13. Yes, I am a medium for the application of a magic bunny lotion.

  14. yes, i am a medium, i see things other's don't wish to and dead people communicate with me often .   an interesting thing happened a few weeks ago.  a lady came for a reading and she was having a hard time believing that her friend from childhood was coming through.  she asked him to tell me the nickname he called her that she didn't like.  no sooner had she said this than the spirit appeared and glided across the room to in front of where i was sitting he poked and poked at my nose.  i asked her what that meant.  she stated that he always called her big nose.

  15. I just stumbled in here from Polls & Surveys......thought I'd say hi.  "Hi"

  16. I was once talking to a medium and something that I said made him laugh, so I punched him. You see, I always wanted to strike a happy medium.
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