
Is anyone a teacher?

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what are the pros & cons?




  1. Cons...parents that don't give a you know what about their child's education.

    Pros....very rewarding, the relationships you develop with the kids.

  2. Serious answer: Pros: you feel good about contributing to the world, making it a better place, you get frequent positive feedback from kids and families, you keep learning and growing as a person

    Cons: you feel the pressure to do a great job with every child, every day; there is not enough time in the day to do all that you need to do; there are a million laws/mandates that you need to follow

    Humorous answer (but still true!) Pros: recess every day; you get to have holiday parties; you can be 52 and still know the popular songs,styles and TV shows

    Cons: My feet hurt constantly!

  3. PRO: Ability to explain (ideas and concepts)

    PRO: Offers an ultimate "stage" to practise public speaking and stage-performing skills.

    (Depending upon the District) Offers an open-channel for valuable feedback on "life" and other work-issues.

    (Depending upon district policies)

    NEG: Limits your freedom of expression.

    (Depending upon class (subject or students)

    NEG: (if you are not proficient in the subject matter) Shines your intolerance on that subject and tests the patience of the students.

  4. pros - helping others reach their greatest potential

    cons - not enough parent support, not enough administrative support

  5. As for me..there's no cons becoming a teacher...

    it's up to you for what are you looking for in this profession...

    It's a noble profession, it strengthen your social ability.

    Everyday you'll face different kind of problems... everyday you have to face 30 kind of behaviors (if you have 30 students per class)...because every one of your students are unique..have to check and mark students work...have to prepared lesson plan for the next class....lots of works but I tell you...its fun!!

    anyway, Sometimes it gives you headache too...  

    :) Seems like no Cons for me (I enjoy it so much).. ;)

  6. Pros:

    You'll never be bored.

    You get to see children improve at something.

    You can make your job better by how much you put into it.

    You have creative control over how you teach.

    You get summers off.

    You get 2 weeks off at Christmas.

    You get 1 week off in the Spring.

    You'll get insurance and salary enough to live on your own.

    You will learn how to be an adult.

    You will learn how to set boundaries and take care of yourself.


    It's VERY demanding emotionally, and mentally.

    Depending on the age you teach, kids will eat you alive if you don't know how to handle yourself.

    You'll need to spend some of your own money for supplies.

    You won't earn enough to buy a home unless you marry someone who also has a full-time, good-paying job.

    Unlike many of your friends who work in offices, you barely have enough time to pee, or make a phone call.

  7. Pros: Excitement of going to work everyday, the rush you feel when a child learns something they doubted they could, the ability to encourage a child to dream, the reward of building a rapport with a child who can open up to you when they need a shoulder to cry on or a caring ear to listen, the joy of a child coming back years later (sometimes those you never expected) and telling you how you changed their life or encouraged their talent/path. Etc, etc, etc.

    Cons: Parents who refuse to teach, but know your job/

    Administrators who allow for the aforementioned problem.

    Other teachers who attempt to "run" their class and yours.

  8. Pros -

    - Seeing a child's face when they finally understand something!  

    - Seeing a child's confidence level rise to the roof!

    - Hugs and little love letters (I teach second grade)

    Cons -

    - It is not an easy job and is very demanding.

    - There is a lot of behind the scene preparation involved.

    - Dealing with parents who do not show any interest in their kids education.

    I love my job and would not want to be anything else!!!

  9. I'm a teacher.  I have my degree in Spanish but I'm going to study to become an EFL teacher.  I love Spanish, and love teaching Spanish, which is a pro, but the con is that motivation has to come from within.  Some kids are taking Spanish because their parents make them, or because they HAVE to take an elective class.  I was a "Spanish dork" when I was in school (that's what I got called) and really loved it and it was hard to work with kids that don't share my sensitivities.  

    The more languages you speak, the more opportunities you have.  I think that everyone ought to learn a second or even third language.  I would like to teach English abroad because I lived abroad in Mexico and would like to give something back to them.  A lot of people down there want foreign languages, they want to be able to communicate with foreign tourists who might not know Spanish.  I lived there for a year and most of the people there were good to me, and I want to give something back.  Those are all "pros."  Those were also my altruistic reasons... here comes the selfish one... I want to teach English abroad because I loved living abroad... I'm not happy in the states because I never could readjust to the culture (no offense to anyone) and I would be happier in Latin culture.  But, I would also have a lot to offer.  

    I mean no offense to anyone but in North Carolina teachers are treated poorly... I did my internship abroad and there was a world of difference.  

  10. pros- Its a very demanding job, if you're a good teacher you will become a star, the whole class will like you, their parents will like you, you'll become famous as a good teacher  not only in the school but outside the school.

    cons-  Very responsible job, your each and every action will be noticed in the class by the students, you will be messed up if there is politics going around you because of some jealous teachers.  

  11. Ask any teacher regarding the drawbacks of teaching and the majority would say the salary. As with all in life, everything has advantages and disadvantages. One plus that has kept me going as a teacher of English as a foreign language as well as a second language is the satisfaction obtained from watching a person go from zero to one hundred in terms of learning. I can't wait for the next day to begin so I can get back into the room and face yet another day of positive reenforcement from my students. Teachers are great motivators ,it's true, but we also get energy from our pupils. I like it when kids as well as adults see me at the mall, for example, and say thank you teacher for helping me in my endeavor.
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