
Is anyone a white witch or similar? Do spells really work? Do you have any examples (nice spells!)?

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I dont disbelieve but I also don't believe in spells just because I have never known someone to do them. If anyone has some nice spells which aren't bad in any sense then please could you share them. Thank-you.




  1. Get yourself a copy of the book "Earth Power" by Scott Cunningham. It has a lot of easy to do, positive folk magics in there that will serve you well to learn.  

  2. No, I won't share spells.

    Plus you need to learn a lot first before you even try  - even then it's not guaranteed, and you get some strange results sometimes. Be warned.

  3. It worries me that this nonsense merits a question. It worries me more that it seems to get a serious answer.

    Grow up. It is not real.

  4. Skrew you DaOneAnd.....blah blah blah!!! Sorry hun but he dosent know what he is talking about. I was raised in a wiccan environment and have been practicing wicca for years. First of all I would like to make one thing clear: (I am sure you are familiar with all of this but I am including it for the lost souls like those whom I have named above.)Magick is not like the hoccus poccus bullcrap you see on tv shows like Harry Potter and The Lord of The Rings. It is a complex subject of energies, quantam physics, and mind exersise. A spell is only as effective as the energies you form it with. I have listed a simple "spell" for cleansing your mind and soul below that is an essential practice before preforming certain spells and rituals:

    You need:

    White candle

    Sea Salt


    A fresh lime

    Run a warm bath, tossing in a handful of seasalt. Light a white candle, and turn off all artifical lights. Place the candle on the side of the tub and as you relax, stare into the flame concentrating on purity and renewal. Stay in the bath as long as you feel comfortable.

    Before leaving the bath, knock the lit candle into the water to extinguish it. Let yourself dry naturally, without using a towel. Rub some rosemary and a slice of the fresh lime over your skin. As you drain the bath, watch the water go down the drain, visualizing inpurities and troubles going out with the water.

    Also if you know your herbs and what they are used for, some of your best spells will be those you develop yourself. Not all spells require herbs, or any tools for that matter. The energy and visualizaion from within you is very powerful.

    Blessed be

  5. Your question is simple, yet oh, so complex. I would ask, does prayer work?

    When Christians pray, they direct intent of some sort to God. They ask for things, they ask for help, they ask for whatever.

    When a Witch does magick (we spell it with a 'k' to differentiate between what we do, and slight of hand) he or she focuses intent, just as a Christian prays. The difference is, we aren't necessarily asking a God or Goddess to do it for us.

    Witches (tend to) believe that the Goddess gave birth to all that is, was, and ever will be. Including us. Therefore, being born of the Goddess, everything contains divinity. Including us.

    We have the power and ability (everyone, not just Witches) to create change, and manifest whatever we need.

    So, to answer your question; yes, spells really do work. But just as with prayer, sometimes what you ask for isn't what you need, so the spell may appear to fizzle. Usually what happens is that you get what you needed instead.

    The other question I would ask you is, why do you want to know? Are you just curious, or are you seeking something more than a simple yes or no? If you are seeking for more than yes or no, try looking at

    There you will find information and answers on what it really takes to cast spells.

  6. I'm not a White Witch, I'm not even a Witch. Spells are Satanic and you'd better refrain from Witchcraft!!! Save your soul and thank God we have a chance to be saved !!! Pray to Lord Jesus and you'll be saved!

  7. Its all a load of bull c**p if someone could really do spells then don't you think something would have been shown? or the wrong person would have got "witch" powers by now and exploited it?

  8. Merry Meet,

    As many above have said, their is no 'white' or 'black' witchcraft. Their is only the intention of the person casting the spell. And yes spells do work to varying degrees based upon the persons understanding on how to raise, direct, and release energy. If you are new to the subject I would refer you to learn such essential skills as 1) Centering and Grounding, 2) Shielding, 3) Meditation. I will also refer you to To find a mentor is very valuable in getting your foundations and practical applications. Also I highly recommend "Wicca for Beginners" by Thea Sabin. I hope some of this helps.

    Always in Light and Love,


    p.s. Why do so many close-minded people think that we care or desire to hear about their ignorance. Witchcraft is NOT evil, and anyone who is willing to put the blame on an entity known as 'Satan' for their own shortcomings is living in a fairy tale. I prefer reality.

  9. I do know a few witches. There are no white witches or black ones just witches. I have seen them doing some magic. I have not noticed what they were doing making any difference to anything. I suspect that like pray it only works if you really believe it does.

    And of course they are not satanic because they can't be. Wicca is a Pagan religion and they don't believe Satan.  I don't think playing about with witchcraft will do you much harm unless you actually believe in such nonsense then I suppose you may make yourself mentally ill. Mind you I think it is unlikely

  10. I'm with Raven Eyes on this one, I also have issues with the term 'white witch'. I do however identify as a witch, so I will try to answer your question. Yes spells can really work. Doesn't mean they always do, but they can. I've done a variety of spells over the years such as happiness spells for unhappy friends. It is generally advised that if one wishes to cast a spell that one should be able to write one's own. There are many sites that will give free spells, but they've no guarantee of working any more than your own do.

    " If anyone has some nice spells which aren't bad in any sense"

    Now that's a tricky one, as all spells (like all actions) have consequences, and it's almost impossible to know all possible outcomes before you cast. In order to cast a spell a person must be prepared to take the consequences should it go wrong, if not then they have no business casting spells.

    It takes a great deal of practise and training to be any good at witchcraft, not to mention innate skill. It's usually far easier to simply make what you want happen through mundane means (such as applying for jobs if you want to get a new job).

    If you're still interested in learning about witchcraft these sites should be of interest to you:

    The following sites gives good lists of recomended books:

    And this site gives you a good list of authors to avoid:

    Other than that these sites should be of use to you, they cover a wide variety of topics, so at least some of them should be helpful to you. ( is a really good place to start) (read this site first:

    (I've removed the 'www.' bit from most as Yahoo won't let me post more than 10 links.)

  11. why do you want a white witch?.

    you should learn more about south east asian and their spell and mantra. But most of them are for bad one though.

  12. Meh.

    I have issues with the term "white witch". The only thing that makes a witch white or black is the colour of their skin.

    Magic is a neutral thing that is shaped by the intent of the person casting it.

    Why are you asking for spells? Not being nasty, just curious.

    If you have little knowledge and have never cast before then I would be very unwilling to advise you to jump in and start trying to cast.

    I would be advising you to read and learn. About grounding, protection and making sure you are aware of the consequences of your actions amongst other things.

    Of course this is all just my take on the issue.

    Hope this helps.

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