
Is anyone actually taking action to stop Global Warming? Or are ppl just waiting for others to do it for them?

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If we don't reduce our GHG(green house gas) emmisions by 70 percent by 2050, civilization as we no it may not survive the next century. Is it so hard to save money and the world be being more energy efficient?




  1. Europe is taking some action, but now that China is the alrgest emittor and also has one of the highest growth rates, developed nations should demand that developing countries not emulate the same patterns (highways, cheap gas, suburbs, etc) that got us all into this mess.

    China is going to have serious water problems as the Himalyan glaciers that feed their rivers disappear, so they're effectively comitting suicide.

  2. Well the problem is that people are unwilling to sacrifice convenience when its something that doesn't affect them in a HUGE way very quickly. They don't think about the future in some cases so its basically a modern world full of lazy convenience. It makes me sad to think of it like that but I like walking everywhere. :(

  3. No,but the thing is that many just say "Someone else will global warming for me", but what if everyone said that? So pitch in!

  4. Yes I am going to build a giant umbrella and place it over the earth and this should do the trick, are you willing to help me?

  5. trouble is theres only so much an individual can do, and it is disheartening when others do nothing. meanwhile, our glorious leaders are opening coal power stations, closing carbon sequestration projects, offering tiny grants for home renewables and generally spouting a lot of hot air.

    i got my own emissions right down to about 1/3 of my country average, but that's still half as much again as the world average, and i have green electric, but it gets wiped out by my neighbor flying to new york for a shopping trip and keeping the house at 24degrees night and day.

    i have started petitions, signed petitions, i write to my m.p. and the p.m. (latest on said power station) but havnt had a reply yet.

    i'm going local next, there's a 'green your village' campaign starting in my county, i'll try get a group together here.

  6. Stopping what??  I've never heard of such nonsense as "global warming".  Sounds like something some losing politician would dream up.  God Bless you.

  7. to tell you the truth, in my opinion its all political c**p.

    i dont beleive in it. the earth goes through stages of high and low temperatures. its the earth's natural cycle.

  8. how do we even know global warming is real, or even our fault, and if so, what exactly we can do about it?

  9. No. Yes.

    We should switch to nuclear energy but these dang democrats..

  10. I think car companies, and green products need to become more affordable.

    In my opinion there should be environmental classes in schools, including elementary.

    As for people that don't believe in Global Warming, they should care about our planet.

    Our country should follow Germany.

    If you have solar panels in Germany, you get tax breaks, and reimbursements for the cost of the solar panels themselves.

  11. First of all, your suggestion that if we don't reduce GHG by 70 % our civilization is doomed is the typical nonsense we have to put up with from those that pretend to know.  Civilization as we KNOW it, will not survive.  It will change.  Duh.  So what.  It always changes as does the climate.  Conserve and save your money like everybody who has any sense does.  Energy efficiency will continue to rise as technology increases.  We can save more money, increase energy efficiency better by promoting free markets and captalism.   Why are alarmists inevitably leftists and against those things that would actually move us in the direction you advocate?

  12. i dont think any one is doin anythin about it! i dont think thats cool! cuz i totally support the "going green". thats y i wanna vote for obama! although he may wanna turn us all muslims, he stands up for the fact that we are slowly killing our earth and we need to do something about it!

  13. Here's a clue. The global average temperature is always changing. Warming trends come and go. We're currently in a warming trend. (Good thing too, otherwise we'd still be in the little ice age)

    Trying to fight global warming (or cooling) is about as futile as trying to stop rain. They're both a part of nature.

  14. Unfortunately they aren't just waiting for others to meet their needs, as is their habit.  They are actively obstructing any efforts by others to do the right things.

  15. i think we should help to stop it. of course theyre a******s who think its a lie, or a scam. but there the ******* who will s***w all of us over. im doin my part by recycling, turnin off lights when im not in the room, shorter showers, and a couple other things. im only 16 but i want to try my best to preserve the world for other children to come. im tired of a******s who go off on u bcuz u believe global warmin is happenin. theyre tryin to get there 2 points for answerin a question and havin a chance of gettin to level 2, or so on. i digress, the point is im doin my aprt and tryin to get more people involved. some nasa scientist think that by the year 2013 the polar ice caps will be completly melted. idk for sure but its something to think about.

  16. It is biblically prophetic, but all should help by doing their part in slowing down the effects as far as possible until the Lord comes.

    Isa 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

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