
Is anyone as paranoid as I am about your Baby?

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My Daughter is 9 mo old and ever since she has been born I have been so PARANOID about EVERYTHING, especially Head Injuries/Brain Injuries/Shaking Baby....Everytime someone plays with her in a way that i think is to rough im always afraid she will get SBS or damage...Also, She fell off the bed 5 days ago and I have been so upset and paranoid that she may have brain damage...Is that possible? Have there been any cases of a baby falling off a bed and getting damage? I feel like a failure as a Mom becase Im constantly worrying and i cant even enjoy my daugher because Im always fearing of injuries....Its terrible and I dont know what to do....




  1. what you are feeling is perfectly normal. I don't know what to tell you to ease your mind. All i can say is babies are tougher than we think. I use to worry like that with my first. It gets better and if you have another child you will not be so paranoid.  Try to relax and enjoy her I know that is easier said than done.  

  2. Don't worry i think that is common in some parents. My sister is like that with her baby. I have two girls and don't remember being so bad but i have seen it. I don't think your daughter could have gotten to hurt from falling off the bed if it was five days ago and you don't see any signs or anything. How high is the bed? I wouldn't worry alot of kids do that.

  3. It's normal to worry, but not to the point where it keeps you from enjoying your time with your daughter. I would talk to my doctor about an assessment for post-partum depression, or anxiety.  

  4. I absolutely ADORE my daughter. It is amazing how strong the love is. But I try not to worry about the bumps and bruises. I think kids should get them as it's the only way to learn. she has tumbled off the bed and couch a few times. She really likes to climb and I don't want to be this over anxious mother that never lets her kid be a kid. So she is welcome to climb the couches and rarely falls now.  She even fell down the stairs (3 steps) while I was standing right behind her. she started flailing about so bad that I just couldn't catch her. And now I can see she is more careful on those steps. She also was standing by a low table, holding on for support and slipped. Bumped her chin and even drew some blood. But it's life.  For some weird reason, I was paranoid about other people trying to take her or hurt her. You read so many stories about babies being cut out of the womb or little ones being kidnapped. When we were in public, she was never out of my sight for a second. I had the worst nightmares about just random people trying to hurt her. But that has now passed thank god. so give it some time and try to let her be a kid.  

  5. I suggest you read a book, its called I refuse to raise a brat by marilu henner. Now I'm not saying your baby will be a brat, but it really taught me the middle ground on overgratification and being able to step back and let your child grow on its own.  I got this book at the library and it really opened my eyes.

    My son who is now 16 months old, had severe seperation anxiety for a good 5 months, and finally after talking to the doctors and reading that book, you sometimes have to learn to step back and stop worrying as much. I know as hard as that sounds its like getting over a fear of spiders, I hate them and I would never like them, but in some cases you just have to get comfortable with them (like if you go to the rainforest or camping)  

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