
Is anyone aware of a device so that my 3-year old cannot get out of her car seat?

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My 3-year old has figured out how to get out of her car seat. Time outs and other discipline haven't deterred her from undoing her straps and getting out of her car seat. I pull over as soon as she does this, but it is still dangerous and I'd l ike to find a way to fasten her car seat belt so that she can't accomplish this.




  1. If you are using a 5-point harness car seat he or she cant get out.  I wouldnt use a booster type car seat until they are old enough to know they need to stay seated.

  2. The Angel Guard device is NOT For use with a 5 point harness buckle - it is for putting on the actual vehicle seatbelt buckle, and since a 3 year old is way too young for a booster, it will not help you out. Also, its not a safe device to use regardless.

    It is a pain in the rear - but at that age, it is a complete disciplinary problem. It makes sense that time-out doesn't work, b/c its not a logical consequence. That whole phrase "let the punishment fit the crime" really does work better. So, when she's doing something car seat/safety related, the consequence needs to have to do with that. My son is 3.5, and has occasionally complained about his car seat and I swiftly informed him he would be staying home if he didn't want to sit in his seat. Punishment isn't usually a good form of discipline. You want a cause and effect relationship - he undoes his seat, he doesn't go anywhere in the car.

    Set aside a time when she's with you that you can devote to teaching her about why she needs her seat. First thing talk to her about car seats. You of course have to tone it down to terms he can understand at her age, basically I asked my son if he knew why he had to be in a car seat. He said no. So told him that if he rides in the car without his car seat, he will get BIG boo-boos and have to go to the hospital, perhaps for a long time. I also told him that if he doesn't sit in his car seat, the police will take mommy away (yes, a little bit of an exaggerration, but not much, the authorities actually will restrict kids from riding with parents if there is persistent negligence about using car seats). After that, I asked him if he wanted to go to the pet store - his favorite outing. I told him he had to sit in his seat for the entire trip. (The trip was only 10 minutes, start out with a short one) As soon as he was buckled and we were ready to go, I told him that if he got out of his seat or undid it, we would turn around and go home.

    And be prepared to follow through! If she undoes her seat turn around and go home, then wait a while (or till next time you have to, though won't work as well), and suggest a different outing he'd like - the park, ice cream, whatever. And try again. Shee WILL get the message. And anytime she does undo his seat, pull over at the first availability. I would not pull over on a highway either, but I would take the very first exit and park somewhere to put him back in. She HAS to learn that if she undoes her seat, you WILL stop the car to put her back in. Also, she has to learn that if she doesn't stay in the seat - she doesn't go anywhere fun. Be consistent, and do what you say. She will get the message.

    One of the best tips in the links below is to put the 'wrong' side of a small piece of adhesive velcro, the rough, hook side on the car seat buckle. Usually it is so uncomfortable they won't try to push harder to get it undone, though it will make it slightly more uncomfortable for you. Also make absolutely sure the harness is tight enough. Put your pointer finger on her shoulder and your thumb right below it. Try to pinch the harness. If you get any harness between your fingers, its not tight enough.

  3. Can I ask how she does this? The ten year old girl I nanny doesn't have the hand strength to unbuckle my one year old son and it gives me trouble to. I didn't even know children could do this. Is the buckle easy to push on your seat?

  4. My son did this ONE TIME and I pulled the car over on the freeway, shut it off, and said, "Sorry, the car doesn't work unless everyone's wearing seatbelts".

    This is one rule that needs to be enforced sternly, NO EXCEPTIONS.  If she cannot keep her hands off the carseat buckle, then she will not go for rides in the car.  Period.

  5. I'm curious as to how your 3 year old gets out of her seat.

    I sometimes have trouble gertting it unbuckled...please explain. I don't want this to happen to me.

  6. haha... well it might not be the best but it worked. so my sis in law with her 3 year old, when she sees him hopping around in the back and she can safely do this on the streets. she slams on the brakes. i mean slams! scares the h**l out of them. one time she did it and her older son in the front wasnt wearing his hit the dashboard.... yeah. he was fine, bumped his forehead but... he ALWAYS wears his seatbelt now. both of them do. not the best advice, but it lets them know what will happen.

  7. no sorry, I have not, maybe try taking her play things away.

  8. I told my daughter IF YOU UNBUCKLE YOUR SEATBELT THE POLICEWILL TAKE YOU AWAY and not give you back because mommy put you in danger by driving while you were unseated do you really want the police to take you away. Always tells me if she isn't buckled now.

  9. i dont think devices are what u need. be stricter with her than timeouts, or make a game with her about car seats, kids love games.

  10. there is a plastic device that slots over the buckle, so you have to put your hands under the plastic to release the belt.

    i'll try to have a look for what it is called. or who sells it... i'm half asleep now!

    the other things that can work are stopping the car, taking the keys out and turning the lights on, so the buzzer goes off.

    that's the naughty alarm or seat belt alarm.

    if you have moved her into a booster, then put her back in the 5 point harness for a couple of days

    give her other stuff to do. a drink, or some crisps or fruits to eat. or a book to read. anything to keep her hands busy

    on ebay, there is "two child seat safety guards"

    in baby, then car seats, then accessories.

    there might be more, that was the first one i found

  11. I found a simple way of stopping both of my children from ever doing anything I tell them is dangerous. wait until the next time your child falls or hurts themselves, make a fuss and point to where it hurts, call it a baddie, reiterate that it is a baddie. Everytime your child hurts for any reason call it a baddie. Eventually when you say don't touch this/that/other and call the offending thing/object or action a baddie, ie don't touch the oven its a baddie, will burn, cause a baddie, the child will quickly associate what they are not to touch/or do with their previous experience of pain! It works. Friends, family, health visitor were most surprised and also consceded that it works,

  12. I haven't had this problem myself at all, but what I've heard is to cut a piece of velcro (the more stiff side) and put it over the chest clip or bucke wherever you need it.  It will hurt little fingers, but your fingers should be fine when you unbuckle her.

    Good Luck ~

  13. good luck my neice did this and one time she locked her self in my car and i had to cal the police to get her out the car was running i ran in the garage to get her diaper bag i had put her in the carseat she got out so if you do find something let me know

  14. try using a wrist surpport like goes on the arm and put a sock over it if you have to cause it worked for my child them things they sale are expensive and the child might can fiqure that out so put sock overthe  clasp

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