
Is anyone creative and can help me with my newspaper assignment?

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I need to write a paper about the " New World" for instance europeans coming over to america. I need a title for the paper as well as a catchy headline for an interview i need to make up with

1=john smith ( the guy from pocahontus) or

2=henry hudson( the river guy)

depending on the better title is which one i will do.

and i also needs ideas. it needs to be creative and kinda silly so if anyone has any ways to joke about those two characters that would be great. thank you so much




  1. Since it's something you wanted to be fun and silly, here are my idea for the John Smith interview:

    1. Try poking fun how historically inaccurate the Disney movie was and most textbooks are about John and Pocahontas. The concept is that you're interviewing John about the difficulties he has trying to date her. You could be from some early century 'People' magazine who are interested in the story of how they met.

    You could bring up all the stereotypical things, like how beautiful she was, how she'd break into song, talked to animals...all the other silly things from the Disney version. And he would tell you how wrong they were. Something like asking him if she still talks to all of the animals who she made friends with in the forest. Then he answers something like, "She doesn't speak English. And the only animals she loves are the ones she kills and puts into her freakin' stew."

    You could also use this to talk about the inaccuracies of how 'easy' it was in popular books and children's plays to make friends with the Indians and real life in that time period.

    The title could be something like:

    Happily Never After: The truth behind the fairytale.

    Hope that helps!

  2. John Smith =The Under dog

    Pocahontas- this was not her real name this was a nick name her real name was Matoka Pocahontas meant Playful one she was indian right!

    She was a child when all this took place around 10-11 years old.The age difference was a huge gap him born  around the year of 1579 her  around the year1596 so for them to be lovers was kinda out of the question.She did marry later to and indian in her tribe by the name Kocom, So the question is did Mr. John Smith make alot of this up to be a hero or was it made up later .

    Man with out a clue= Born in 1565 disappeared in 1611 he traveled all waters possible looking for countries and was at a loss to where he was most the time One day he was put on small boat with his 19 year old son and 6 weak crew member's and drifted out to sea and never seen again

    Pirates of un know en waters.

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