
Is anyone curious of just what Ted Kennedy did with Mary Jo Kopechne?

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He made me wear a strap on and re enact the scene from Deliverance.




  1. i think im getting a woody now! squel like a pig!

  2. he left her in the car and she drown

    he swam to shore and then took off  

  3. sadly, he left her in the car to die.

  4. He killed her.

  5. oh yes, i wonder if her family will be watching the tribute to Teddy tonight.  For more info see

  6. You get a star for the scuba gear on the avatar.  LMAO Nice touch.

  7. I'll drink to that. darn my head hurts.

  8. Yes, i have always wondered about that.  Kennedy is a murdering, socialist, SOB!!

  9. Yes, and he found out she was pregnant an that was the end of her

  10. I love how Liberals like Charlie Bravo, just pass this off as if the Republicans just made up this story here are the Facts Hypocrites!!!

    The Chappaquiddick incident refers to the circumstances surrounding the 1969 death of Mary Jo Kopechne, a former staff member in Senator Robert F. Kennedy's 1968 presidential campaign. Edward Kennedy was driving a car with Kopechne as his passenger when the Senator drove off d**e Bridge into the channel between Chappaquiddick Island and Martha's Vineyard. The Senator swam to safety, but Kopechne died in the car. Kennedy left the scene and did not call authorities until after Kopechne's body was discovered the following day. He pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident and was sentenced to two months in jail, suspended.

    In January 1970, an inquest into Kopechne's death took place in Edgartown. At the request of Kennedy's lawyers, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ordered the inquest be conducted in secret.[19][20] Judge James A. Boyle presided over the inquest. His conclusions were as follows:

    "Kopechne and Kennedy did not intend to return to Edgartown" at the time they left the party.

    "Kennedy did not intend to drive to the ferry slip".

    "[Kennedy]'s turn onto d**e Road was intentional".

    Judge Boyle also said that "negligent driving appears to have contributed to the death of Mary Jo Kopechne".[20]

    Under Massachusetts law Boyle could have ordered Kennedy's arrest, but he chose not to do so.[20] District Attorney Dinis chose not to pursue Kennedy for manslaughter.

    Charlie Bravo, that was funny man, are you freakin kidding me an accident???? Just like you belive that Obama didn't know his pastor and Mentor for 20 years wasn't an Anti-American Racist!!! or that Obama didn't know that William Ayers who funded his state senate campaign was a convicted Domestic Terrorist who bombed the the pentagon and the NYPD, Keep believing the Liberal and Left wing nut spin pal, what are you 18, 19 and your college professor told you Kennedy was a good guy and it was just an accident??? Bravo-Hit me up in 10 years when your making decent money and you see how high your liberal buddies tax you!!! Charlie grow up!!

  11. The same thing Baracka did with Donald Young only Young was murdered execution style. Mary Jo K. was thrown into the limo and driven to a watery grave,instead of under the bus like Larry Sinclair.

  12. Only Kennedy and God know what happened that night.  Since you are not Kennedy, I have to assume that you think you are God.

  13. No.  I bet 90% of this site's users don't even know what you're talking about...

    Nice try

  14. LOL, Republican BS??? So Mary Jo is still alive?

    No, tonight the democrats will applaud a drunk womanizing murderer.

    I am sure that teddy will get a standing ovation and every one in the Pepsi Center will say, "Aw, it does not matter that teddy killed her"

    These are the morals and ethics of the left.  

  15. He killed her while looking for a place to cheat with her. Bad luck.

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