
Is anyone disappointed that the biggest news about the indy 500 isn't about the winner, but about danica?

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Honestly, she complains quite a lot and acts like the world is so unfair to her. Well she is right. She is only as famous as she is because she is a she. Its getting kind of ridiculous now




  1. <3 TK!!! #11 is correct.

    Danica is a good competent driver. She is also gorgeous with a good media personality. In short, she's justifiably becoming the media darling of Indy racing.

    You're wrong that her capturing media attention (read that tens of thousands additional fans of racing) is ridiculous.

    She is a godsend to Indy racing and if she goes NASCAR  she will bring those fans with her. It's a win-win for the business of racing. For that is what it really is - A BUSINESS.

  2. everything about that race sucked

    the broadcasting was the worst

  3. I agree. What next women on the Yankees?

  4. i completely disagree with you.

    i am in no way, shape, or form a danica fan (GO TK!!!) but i must give credit where credit is due.

    now, she is a female and can push that s*x appeal which in turn makes her more famous. but shes a good driver. she wouldnt have made it if she wasnt. there are plenty of women fighting for her spot but havent made it b/c they arent good. danica has proven shes a contender and can hang with the rest of them.

  5. She does race for Andretti. He was the biggest whiner of all time.

  6. That just shows the quality of the people actually reporting the news. Some people have no business being journalists of any kind. All they are trying to do is stir up controversy where there really isn't any.

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