
Is anyone else's spouse insane?

by  |  earlier

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Blaming you for things they've done and since forgotten; becoming infuriated by habits of yours, then doing some of the same themselves not long thereafter; etc? Just wondering.




  1. Yes, my wife is insane, but I LIKE IT!!!

  2. my baby momma is crazy

    that's why i didnt marry her

  3. Its a good question. I found that there's plenty things my wife does that used bug and still do sometimes..but I've mellowed a lot over time and I try to accept things.

    Marriage takes compromises..if you want to stay together.

    I suppose there is a thing as too much though.

  4. much more insane than yours by the sound of things. Mine calls the police on the kids and they have 4.0 averages at school.  

  5. Mine is smart as h**l   !!,no screws loose

  6. No, I did not marry a narcissist.  

  7. men are just crazy! i think their mommas have something to do with it! LOL.

  8. I had one of those, no matter what you do about him, he is going to make you look like the weird one.  Its called manipulation and in my case he was competitive to the n'th degree, and it was part of his personal outlook.  I didnt realise till much later that I had been being beaten at games I wasnt even playing.

    Sadly, my daughters think he is normal!  And one started to put it on me that I was jealous about him and other rubbish, so I realised he was manipulating her attitude towards him and me. Its so sick.  It still makes me look like the one with a problem.  So, get out!

  9. yes    my husband is nutty and does the same as you describe. I usually think it is stress that causes this behavior but it could be symptomatic of other conditons as well. we often find fault in others for things we dont like about ourselves.

  10. no, but it is time for your spouse to see someone about this. Something is clearly wrong.  

  11. It is not insanity, it's insecurity. You both need to talk about it.

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