
Is anyone else a vegetarian?

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I have been a vegetarian since I was 4 (I am now 12) and I don't know anyone else who is one. Even my family eats meat, so every night at the dinner table, I feel like I'm going to throw up because the way the meat smells and looks. Also, I am a vegetarian for animal rights, because I think it is very cruel to send an animal to a slaughterhouse to be skinned alive and chopped up so people can eat them. Please, let me know if you are a vegetarian too, and for what reasons. Thank you!




  1. the animals arent skinned alive, they are dead, there nothing wrong with being a vegetarian, if you do it properly, also I am sorry, but I dont think you are old enough to understand the critcal elements of animal cruelty, most of the videos you see on animal cruelty are from third world countries, were even if they dont want to be cruel they lack the infrastructure to treat the animal better, this is incidental, they might want to treat the animal well but the market climate in their country dictates that to be nice to the animal (product) = losest money, and other people are just scum and deserve to be jailed. I am not a vegetarian but I felt that you should hear the other side of the story, I dont even want you to change your mind.

  2. wow and i thought i waz alone! im thirteen and have been a vegetarian since i waz 5 so we're kinda even!!! i came to be one when i went to  a farm auction whit ma parents just to watch... there was tons of beef cattle. one of them, 492, was ma fav he kept mooing @ me and when i went to pet him, he kept l*****g me. when ma mom told me he was gonna be killed to be a hamburger.... i freaked and told her that i never wanted to eat meat again so she let me be a vegetarian...!!!!! if ur online messanger me if u have aim... do the same ..... where do u live btw?

  3. Yes, 23ish years vegetarian.

    Reasons: Moral and environmental.

  4. i also am a vegiterian only one of my 2 sisters is and my parents eat meat i feel just like you at the dinner table.

    I am a vegiterian same reason you are

  5. I'm personally not vegetarian but my best friend is.

    If it makes you sick then ask politely and try to compromise with your family, it's the best you could do.

    Just because you are vegetarian it doesn't mean that your family will be, my sister was for awhile and although I love her I wouldn't let her views be forced onto me.

    Eat somewhere else or focus on a conversation that your family is having or the food that you're eating. As for the smell; breath through your mouth and not through your nose.. Also holding the food in your mouth while savoring the flavor helps you take your mind off of the meat.

    My friend is only a vegetarian because she's a complete health freak. We all have different views and it's important to be open to everybody's views. If you want your family to respect your views then you should return the favor. =)

    I love meat. But 1/3 of the people I know dislike it a great deal so I respect their choices. All it does is take compromising and communication.

  6. yes i am i just cant understand how people can eat meat it's cruel

  7. i love animals to much to eat them and i think its wrong what they do to them just so we can eat them

  8. When I was in fourth grade I was in a "gifted" education program and we had to dissect chicken embryos.  I was completely disgusted.  When my parents would make BBQ ribs for dinner, I'd realize it was the rib of the animal, and sometimes find veins in it.  It's just freaking disgusting.  I've always hated it.  When I could choose for myself, it was a natural fit because I became more educated about the plight of food animals, and I am sickened by their abuse.  I do eat eggs but I only buy cage-free.  I absolutely cannot contribute to the abuse that goes on in this world towards animals.  I will never have a part of that or eat meat.

  9. NO!!!!!!!1 Why would i be a


  10. Good for you and your healthy attitude toward meat eating!

    As you go on through life, you'll meet more and more vegetarians. I started young, too (for the same reasons as you did), and now that I'm adult I find that about half the people in my world of friends and acquaintances are also vegetarian. Some do it for health reasons (which is a nice benefit). I do it because it is unnecesary (and, I think, inappropriate) to cause harm and suffering to animals in order that I eat. So by removing myself from that cycle of horror, I can be satisfied that I have not personally inflicted any torture on these animals.

  11. She's been vegetarian since she was 4, thierryhenry_101, so don't tell her she doesn't know wtf she's talking about. Oh, hi, I'm vegetarian!

  12. I've been a vegetarian since I was 17 (I'm 20 now) for the following reasons:

    *Animal rights

    *Vegetarians are healthier and live longer

    *Some of my favourite celebs are vegetarians

    *I've heard it reduces world hunger

  13. me 2 since feburary of 07

    1.animal cruelty/testing



    4.i like veggies

  14. Greetings!

    You're not alone!

    I've been veg for over two decades- since I was 13, for environmental, health and ethical reasons.

  15. YES!  I am a vegetarian, although I drink milk and eat products with eggs.  I have had great experiences with vegetarian meals and I cook vegetarian meals for my family, who have not figured out the better way of eating. yet.  They enjoy the dishes after the complaining about no meat.  Although, they want to make them over and over again.  A good way to enjoy a meal together with your family that does not have to be meat related is this:  Tell your parents that you want to cook a meal, or that you want to cook a meal with them.  Plan out an all vegetarian meal:  Falafel, reminds my family of meat and is really good, could be a very good main dish.

    You need a main dish, salads (do a fruit and then a real salad), snack dip thing (vegetables dipped in hummus, or chips dipped in salsa and guacamole) and then a dessert.  

    I have to suffer the meat thing every night, too!  I hate it terribly, so I eat proudly what I eat best.  And my friends, who eat meat are supportive of me.  When they aren't, I simply say "I don't care that you eat that.  You eat what you want to eat and I will, too.  I'm just eating what I think is better."  And sometimes my friends will be VERY supportive.  One time we had to eat some kind of Spanish tacos.  Although we were told that we should eat the meat kind, my friend went with me and ordered a cheese taco (I'm a lactose vegetarian, so I'm okay with eating cheese.)  

    I eat vegetarian because I believe it's cruel to kill animals for food, it makes me feel much better, more alive in a sense and I believe it's healthier.

    People say we should switch to renewable energy sources.  Why don't we do that with food?  Pigs are not renewable, but plants are and nuts are.  They don't have a brain and they can't feel the pain that the pigs and cows can.  Let's go to the better choice of eating!

    I wish you luck in eating vegetarian dishes next to meat dishes and I am happy there is someone else out there who is not swayed at dinner by those awful slabs of beef.  GO VEGETARIANS!

  16. I've been a vegetarian since i was 10. And im now 15. I agree with you on the animal rights thing. thats the biggest reason i dont eat meat. and my family is all a bunch of meat eaters too.

    If you wanna get involved with trying to stop animal cruelty, check out

    They've got lots of cool stuff!

  17. I have been a vegetarian my whole life, I am 19 now.  I am the only vegetarian in my family too, my parents said when I was little I never wanted to eat meat.  I also think that it is very cruel what happens to the animals, that's why I am going vegan.

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