
Is anyone else able to do this?

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Ever since I was little I could close my eyes at night and stare at the back of my eyelids and if I did it right I would be able to see things, mostly stuff like people I have never seen before just going about their business in places I have never been to.. I can still do it sometimes if i dont fall asleep It looks alot like a miniture tv set, and the images are usually really clear but i can only watch, i am never able to hear anything, and it's really easy to lose the images, like if i try and focus on what i am seeing then it's gone. I also used to play a game with myself by feeling things if i wanted something to happen, then i would "feel" it out and if it felt "right" then 98% of the time it would happen...does anyone else do this??




  1. I know some of what you are relaxing enough to conceptualize you become more sensitive to slower time.if you relate the present time with previous times as well as future times you have conceptualized you are able to adapt to motions that will occur in the future.

  2. I dont know about that but i do experience psychic dreams and sometimes i can just know exactly wats happening... or ill get an sms and just automatically know who its from

  3. thats a trick of the eyes, and the creativity of the mind-we all do this, but, concerning the feelings you get from others, you have a spiritual gift called the gift of "discernment," spoken of in the pentecostal churches, and closely resembling the gifts that Spiritualism (the belief that we can actively communicate with the dead)  and its people practice - the gift (and also, learned behavior) of Psyche or psychic powers. The complete list of powers Spiritualists believe in are as follows: Medium, Medium Healer, Palm Reader, Tarot Reader, or Ball-Gazer, and Psychic, claervoyant, and prophet. I do not share the beliefs of the Spiritualist though, even though they do make sense, for I am a Christian who believes in the Pentecost, if you don't know what that means, please take up a little time to look it up. To find more about Spiritualism, please visit Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp in Cassadaga, Florida, or even better, the Lily Dale Spiritualist Camp in Lily Dale, New York.    Good luck with your research.

  4. Don't get excited Deenie, I don't think TR was suggesting he had experienced anything paranormal.

  5. I can do it as well. starts off black and then clouds. its also a way to have an out of body experience. I can feel others feelings, i have been talked through by someone who has died. I can also concentrate and follow blood vessels and other organs. explore what you have.

  6. I haven't had that particular thing happen to me, but a few months ago I dreamed that I went to a manson concert with my friend and was woken up a few minutes afterwards by her phoning me to invite me to a manson was really freaky because I hadn't even known that concert was taking place or listened to his stuff in about 2 years haha

  7. Congratulations, TR!!!

    Edit...marie...your edit reminded me of something that happened to me years ago. My son's x mother in law was a couple of people ahead of me in line at Wal Mart. I heard her call me a (bad) name..almost as loudly as if she'd said it out loud..but she didn't. Then she told her daughter that I had called her that name (without knowing that I had heard HER call me that name) lol Wonder if it could have been the lady in between us and we both heard it. lol

  8. it felt "right" then 98% of the time it would happen...does anyone else do this??

    Wow!  That's amazing.  I wish I had your gift.  I'm sure you will have a wonderfully rich and rewarding life, full of extraordinary insight.  But then again, I might be wrong.  My own prescience only works 97% of the time.

  9. Yeah!! I can definitely relate  (Like watching a movie) -  the t.v. - to the right of my right eye! For me its a daily occurrence. When I was young I truly believed it was completely normal. Wasn't much later that I found out it wasn't. The audio isn't that important - because you 'feel' - to hear it in sound would only detract from the message. Trying to focus and then lose it - don't try too hard - just let it come to you. You will see what you are supposed to. Doesn't always have to be at night with your eyes closed. Up until now it has been at this time because you are more relaxed before going to sleep.  You can improve your  abilities with a little practise.  Good Luck!!!

  10. That is called clairvoyance, and it is something you can get even better at with practice.

    Most people can't do it spontaneously. You are uncommon.

  11. i can do that,but if i began 2 concentrate on it  i began 2 c pitch black

  12. I have done the same thing, seeing things at the back of my eyelids, since I was very young. I became aware that it is a form of meditation just the last few years. You describe it exactly as it occurs for me. I have found that I can see future events that occur in my life, and I choose not to use the ability much at all, it is a little disturbing, because seeing something and then having it happen is just that for me. But you may feel differently about it. I still use it as a form of meditation on occasion and I enjoy seeing the films, as long as I am not in them

  13. Yes Ive heard of these type's on incidents.  Not too many people can do it, but there's enough of them out there.  The U.S. government military actually use to have a program to train people to do that sort of thing with some great results might I add.  So this is real and is useful in ways.  I myself have small periods of something like this, but i am conscious when it happens.  Also its very sudden and kinda hits me like a ton of bricks.  Ive come to block it because it just keeps going further and further and branches out and it gives me really bad migraines.

  14. Yup, I can do that, not as well as you can, it's still hard for me, but that's your third eye. You're viewing things htrough it. My guess would be that you're a bit of a clairvoyant. :) Feeling things is clairsentience. Do you tend to feel other people emotions as well? Or are able to very accurately describe how someone is feeling?

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