
Is anyone else absolutely SHOCKED that Obama picked Biden? ?

by Guest65124  |  earlier

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Is anyone else absolutely SHOCKED that Obama picked Biden? ?




  1. He picked him so he can try and win the red states.

  2. I think it just shows how desperate the Obamanation has become. This race is over before it got interesting. What a joke.

    It is actually funny though.

  3. I feel Obama just sank his own boat..he could have won had he picked Clinton.

  4. Yes. He should have chosen Hillary.  

  5. nothing shocks me anymore.

  6. this is the first i hear about it :O

    thank you buddy!


  7. I was more disappointed than shocked.

  8.   No not shocked  but I do like Mr Biden is well inform.

  9. not at all.biden does at least have some experience and maybe can help the young man along the way.if he's elected which i hope doesn't come to pass.

  10. I'm so glad he did though

    McCain 08

  11. Has anyone else noticed that within the last two years Obama hasn't voted on many key issues?  

    He's soooo trying to stay "middle of the road" and non-committal.  Ever wonder why he rides the fence?  It's a great marketing ploy!  

    What shocks me is people not only tolerate that, they are foolish enough to think that that means he agrees with their positions!

  12. The press was predicting a solid week before the pick.  How could I have been shocked?

  13. Not at all. I think they will be a great knowledgeable team and it seems likely that McCain will pick Romney, the Dan Quayle of this political season. Romney doesn't even know what nonproliferation is and badly embarrassed himself on national TV. Plus, MCain and Romney despise one another and the Democrats are sure to pull out the gems of the nasty vicious things they've said about one another.

    So Obama and Biden ought to do EXCEEDINGLY well against McCain and Romney. This will be great fun to watch.

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