
Is anyone else annoyed by the girl in the Secret deodorant commercial?

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Or is it just me and my sister and our friends? She is so annoying, haha, especially when she hails the taxi in a busy street and then is like, "No thanks, I'd rather walk!"




  1. i know, GOD. she's like dancing around and talking to herself. If i was the cabbie, i'd use my taser gun on her.  

  2. I don't hate her at all. She is very pretty and I would gladly l**k her armpits.

  3. OMGG haha i haaaate her if i ever saw her id punch her in the face..atttt ease

  4. Oh God yes.

  5. Never seen the commercial.

  6. Yea it is on way to much i think it's boring pointless and a stupid commercial.

  7. LOL! I thought it was just me!

    Ugh, she is so annoying. I hate the taxi part and the police part. when she goes "ah im innocent...and fresh".

    lol she is annoying.

  8. yes, but its not her fault that she was smellin her pits and rejected the taxi cab, its the person who thought about how to script that g*y commercial! im switching to dove!

  9. yeha!!

  10. The cops should have used their pepper spray on her

  11. Dude, I feel the same way.

    I seriously get mad when that commercial is on. She's annoying. Like when she high-fives the guy and is like "I don't even know that guy!" .. who cares? I high-five people I don't know all the time.

    And "Ah! I'm innocent.. and fresh!" .. she's a moron.

  12. omg! i seriously hate the commerical with everything in mee.

    she is so annoying. especially with the police car. woww i finaly know someone who hates it! Ahh its so stupid and gauy

  13. she is soo annoying : ]

    actually there's something i just despise about her

    idk what tho : ]

  14. Yeah, she annoys me, too.

    I just laughed with my husband about that commercial the other day.

    Somehow, I don't think girls are just dying to show off their armpits, even if they are smooth.  LOL.

  15. LOL do you have a link I've never seen it

  16. i wanna smack that ******* *****. who cares about their arm pits that much?  

  17. It's funny but if I were the Taxi guy I'd pull out a machete and chase her down the street and get arrested by those police that she told, "I'm innocent," or whatever she says.  

  18. Haha yea I think it's really weird.

  19. it looks like SOMEONE has had a weee too much of a confidence boost in their mochachino whatever

    lol i agree

  20. You know what, now that you mention it, no. lol. just kidding. She is very annoying. who hails a cab to then decide to walk? that's such bs.

  21. YES if I were the guy in the cab, I would shoot her.  

  22. omg, i totally think so too!

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