
Is anyone else as annoyed as I am about Farleys Milk changing to Nurture?

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And going up in price from £4.67 to £8! Its absolutely disgusting! They used to print the slogan on their tin "committed to fair prices" well clearly they are not! I wort them a letter and got a standard automated response back about how they changed their ingredients that's why it went up - well surely they are aware that this causes stomach upsets in babies. We've tried SMA and C&G and they are making our son throw up and come out in a rash.

Does anyone have any other suggestions of milk we could try?




  1. Thank you for saying this. I decided to boycott Farley's/heinz products after the huge price rise and changed my son onto cow and gate. Although a price rise of £3 may not seem like a lot it is a significant amount when you have to buy 4 tins of milk a month and are living on a low income.

    Cow and gate do a milk called 'comfort care' which is meant to be gentle on babies stomachs, so this may be worth a try

    Hipp also sell an organic baby milk, or you could try using aptamil.

  2. Mention this to your health visitor/doctor.  regular formula made my daughter throw up so she got given nutramigen on prescription which of course for a child is free!  Sounds like he might have a mild dairy allergy so get it checked out and sod farley's!

  3. Yes, it's bloomin' daylight robbery if you ask me!  Try Hipp Organic.  It has gone up in price as well but only to about £5.90 so not as dear as the rest. It's quite gentle on the tummy - my daughter has been on it since birth with no problems and we have a family history of allergies and IBS.  Good luck!  

  4. my son was like this and also with breast milk , he came out in a rash round his tummy , we got some formula on prescription so see your health visitor  

  5. SMA do a special milk called 'staydown' . That might be worth a go (if you havent allready tried it)

  6. Yes really, really annoyed about it!!! However i was in superdrug yesterday and they still had a few tins of farleys left, the staff member said some of their branches still have them in stock so have a look round in there. As for another milk i used Hipp organic for a bit, as it was the cheapest, and that was ok for my baby but it is in a foil packet rather than a tin and i found it a right pain in the bum!!!

  7. craig, its not your place to lecture any other mum on how to feed her child.

    PW, thats craziness. I'd speak to your gp or hv, and find out which milk is closest to the original recipie for farleys. How about hipp organic? But always speak to your HV or GP first, as he may have an intolerance to some ingredient(s) in certain milks.  

  8. why dont you breastfeed?  its healthier for baby

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