
Is anyone else as mad as I am over the taunted goods being imported into America these days?

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Lead laced toys....heprin...a blood thinner....fruits and vegetables.....tainted beef from over seas....goods that last all of 3 months and then they break.....Just try getting costumer service for these things.....This whole mess is out of control.




  1. Yes, of course.  Give the jobs back to the American people!  They can can do the work just as well as anyone else.  Doesn't it help the economy to keep the jobs on land rather than over seas?  More jobs equals more people spending money.

  2. Definitely. It pays to read up on the country's standards before buying anything made in said country. I have a friend who won't buy anything made in China anymore.

  3. I can't say.  How mad are you?

    I don't think there's much difference in quality between goods made in American and in other places.  The "tainted goods" from other places gets a lot more press.  Mainly because there are powerful interests who, for their own greedy self-interested reasons, widely publicize and call attention to anything bad that is made somewhere else.  (In other words they want you to buy things made by them, not things made by competitors!)

    There was a study done a little while ago that showed that something like half of the toys are made outside the U.S. but something like 78% of the recalls for lead contamination were for American made toys.  Suggesting that actually, American made toys are more likely to be "contaminated."  

    Importing goods from places that make things for less money saves Americans money and that in turn actually helps the economy.  (Every dollar an American saves translates to more American jobs in some sector of the economy -- the reverse is also true, if the government were to force people to "only buy American goods" it would result in the loss of jobs.  Which as you probably know is where reality is exactly opposite what many people say.)

    No one makes someone manufacture things in China or other places.  The main one who determines this is the American worker.  On some level, American workers choose if they wish to make things in America.  If they don't, then suppliers look to other places where the workers do choose to make the goods.   In addition, no one makes anyone buy goods made in China or anywhere else.  The customer chooses and so there's no need for the government to be involved in attempting to restrict sales of foreign goods.

  4. that's what happens when you introduce middle men who bid at the least cent on imported goods

  5. Yes it is very much out of control.  The whole mess just infuriates me.

  6. Do you mean tainted?

    I think anything manufactured in China is a bit suspect - they use slave labour after all.

    I think people overall need to stop buying as much - most things are designed to break and be inexpensive. It is cheaper in the long run to buy a well made product that isn't disposable. We don't need all this stuff - it's just cheap therapy, something new...and then it breaks, we throw it out because nothing can be repaired and then we start over. Pretty pointless.

    Things need to be manufactured in the US again. We need the jobs, and accountability for the quality of the products. Cheap turns out to be expensive in the long run.

  7. China will get it right. Just about 40 years ago, Japan was pretty much in the same position that China is now, rapidly expanding its production and exporting low-quality products all over, especially their cars. But that was really just the first step of the emergence of a powerful, modern economy that arguably makes the best electronics and automobiles in the world, and certainly lead in robotics technologies. China is next. This is the first step... They're kind of new to this thing, producing and innovating on a large scale, but they will get it down.

    By the way, I don't have the time to explain this now, but China's economy growing does not, in any logical way, make the lives of Americans worse. People seem to think that China is growing at the expense of our own prosperity, like they are stealing our prosperity... This is not so. Our economy, minus the current recession (recessions occur regularly every decade, anyways), usually grows at the same steady 3-4% rate every year. China's is now growing at triple that...

    If anything, a stronger China can only help us. They will soon have a relatively prosperous middle class that will demand U.S. products, thus raising the profits of our companies, thus raising the U.S. peoples' wages. Yes, the prices on these products will rise too, but by economic law, since these products generate an actual profit, our wages would rise at a higher rate than the prices of these products. Basically, our GDP will outpace our inflation, as it almost always does.

  8. Oh definitely the way i see it is why don't we make this stuff ourselves and not rely on foreign countries to sell us such bad products.

  9. dont know about taunted goods but tainted goods sure p**s me off especially dog food

  10. We do make things ourselves! Heparin is a substance that is made naturally within the human body! It's a natural anti-coagulant! But I agree, ever attempt to find out where a particular medication is actually manufactured?

  11. This is a result of american citizens holding jobs at the corporate level / They only think of making money for themselves by SELLING jobs to over sea countries.These companies abroad don't care about us ( most foriegn countries openly speak negatively about us) Yet greedy corporate moggals sub contract the making of products or just out right buy overseas, Never caring about us along as they get rich

  12. Yes, it's disgusting.

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