
Is anyone else being reported to Yahoo for apparent violations of Community Standards?

by Guest65174  |  earlier

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I am posting this here because this is where the postings that were reported were originally placed.




  1. I agree with you so I haven't reported you. I haven't been reported to Yahoo for violations either in this category (although the Politics section is another story ;-) You can argue the violation according to the new guidelines and if the Yahoo team finds the reporter to be in the wrong, they lose credibility. Whatever that means.

  2. I got a violation once, for jokingly pointing out that someone asked a racist question.  My answer was deleted, but her question stayed up.  Go figure.

    I haven't reported you.

  3. Not me!

  4. I have no idea if I have been reported if the only indication is that 11 points are removed and the question disappears from my profile.  I don't keep up with points and rarely reflect on past threads unless is it something I star.

    Perhaps I have been reported.  It would be nice if yahoo sent an email notification or otherwise contacted members who are reported.

    I have reported a couple answers.  One was a response with several racist comments which was completely off topic in addition to being offensive.  They latched on to the person asking a question because their avatar depicted an AA woman.  He then went on to tell her to go back to africa and called her some terrible names.  Another one was a person advertising their products in a thread that was again off topic.  For instance the person was asking about adoption and this person posted an advert for diet pills.  I don't recall the details of that one, just sampling how 'off' it was.

    Other than that I haven't reported anything and I disagree with folks quite a bit which is expected on a site like this and accepted by me.  I don't even report non answers like "I dunno", "dkjh" etc.

  5. I've had one violation, but it was in a different topic all together. I told a man that his avatar looked like yours and I guess, that was against the terms of posting guidlines.

    I thought it was so funny, i mean if both of you have your avatars made to look like you, then you could possibly look alike in real life.

    I guess he didn't find it cool like I did.

    Oh wait!! I lied, editing to add, there was one more right when I first started posting here, here in this section, i can't remember which reply, or question...hmm...too long ago. But i've had one in the adoption section too. A loooong time ago.

    I fought it, and it was overturned too!!

    Don't take it personal, its just a computer following someone else's report, you can fight it and have a human review it, and hopefully they'll be fair.

    I haven't reported you.

  6. Yes, i got my first one the other day. i got mad at someone that asked if anybody knew where she could find a cheap non-african baby. That got under my skin so bad i wished she was standing in front of me when she said it. i got reported. I was probably wrong though. i did call her names. I was just more hurt than anything.

    I have never reported anyone though. not even the green kkk dude. i figure this is a place for opinions. if i expect people to listen to mine (and i'm not always nice) then i can sit and listen to theirs or not read it if i don't want to. the whole point of this board is to get peoples opinions. the good and the bad.

    To the guy that asked how do you know? when you sign in you lose like 11 points and you won't see the question that you answered anymore.

  7. Nope - I haven't.

    And I didn't see what you had written.

  8. Fortunately I have not because I've said some things people have not liked. How do you know if you are?

  9. What question was it for? I haven't seen any posts that were violations of community standards from you.

    Sometimes people are just crazy...

    unless I missed a post from you where you used a naughty bad word or insulted someone....

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